Jersey Hemp CBD Oil 1000mg – CBD Oil Review

Lee 6

Jersey Hemp CBD Oil 1000mg – CBD Oil Review

As the summer draws to a close and the trees start to lose their leaves and turn from a rich bright green, to those autumnal reds and oranges accustomed to the season…winter beckons, it’s time to think about those chilly days and nights ahead. With the immune system gearing up to do battle with this seasons bugs and viruses, it’s worth getting all your ducks in a row with supplements to keep you going.

This is where Jersey Hemp 1000mg CBD oil comes in to play and this is why they are featured on this weeks CBD oil review.

Brand: Jersey Hemp

Product: Premium CBD Oil – Full Spectrum

Price: £69.99 – reduced with my discount code – see below

Product Size: 10ml

Servings per Bottle: 30 – 40 depending on number of drops between 2-5 drops.

Bottle concentration: 1000mg

My Rating: 8 out of 10

Jersey Hemp…Who?

Jersey Hemp are passionate about what they do and are the leading hemp and CBD producers in the Channel Islands. They are an authentic team of dedicated scientists, researchers, agricultural experts and environmentalists, so when you shop with them, you can trust that you are buying natural products that are free from pesticides, toxins and other nasty stuff. They use stringent third party testing and analysis, which means their customers have a guarantee of quality and purity on the products they buy.

Jersey Hemp can boast having the first CBD nutritional supplement to be 100% grown, extracted and produced in the British Isles!

There’s lots of information about the ever-growing popularity of CBD and it’s ability to help aid relaxation, inflammation and boost immune system. Hemp is proven to be a powerful source of all manner of nutrients and essential vitamins and minerals, and they understand how important it is for their customers to understand what they are buying and why. This is why you’ll find almost all you need to know about CBD and hemp products within their website.

Jersey hemp cbd oil review

Proof Is In The Pudding

Lets take a look at what the product has to offer…

Jersey Hemp Premium Full Spectrum CBD Oil is made using a fully decarboxylated, whole-plant cannabis extract ensuring maximum bio-availability coupled with a diverse range of cannabinoids, flavonoids, terpenes and other natural antioxidants, all contributing to the entourage effect. It’s made with organic whole-plant hemp extract & organic hemp seed oil, has no detectable THC and you get free delivery!

This product is suitable for vegans and vegetarians, while being gluten, peanut and dairy free and is also Non-GMO.

If you want to know more about the basics of CBD before reading on, then please look at my CBD for beginners guide in a previous post here.

The wonderful thing about Jersey Hemp is that all of their products are 100% natural and free of any pesticides and any other potentially harmful ingredients (as mentioned above). With this in mind, you can rest assured that all their products are vegan and vegetarian friendly. This is something that all CBD products should be, however some companies are still lagging way behind here, by slipping in a few crafty extras. All of Jersey Hemps products have a batch number on them, which ensures it has been third party tested and the integrity of the product isn’t in question.

Jersey hemp cbd oil review

Do You Want My Opinion?

So… what are my thoughts on their premium product? It has a good standard strength of 1000mg and it comes in the standard size of a 10ml bottle, although they do offer a larger option of 20ml and a higher dosage of 2000mg, with lower dosage also of 500mg. The one thing that stands out with these over other products I have used, is the first impression when you get the product. It comes in a lovely packaged box, that has the batch number on and inside there’s a little leaflet that tells you about the product and a little about the manufactures… which I thought was a nice touch and showed extra quality.

The bottle is a good quality and the dropper works well (believe it or not some don’t and oil drips out everywhere), the CBD oil itself is quite a bit thinner then other oils I have taken, it seems more water based and has a nice consistency to it. It’s not gloopy and inconsistent, it’s a very smooth oil. The taste of it is OK – as the oil sits under my tongue like a fine Tuscan 2015 chianti – it has a smoother oily taste that is the most natural of all the CBD oil I have tried. I know some people are not keen on the taste of some CBD products, the thing is, it’s not the taste you need to consider… it should be what the effects are of the product itself.

With this in mind, it’s worth mentioning that this product has worked well with me and my daily regime of health and fitness, along with my plant based diet. This is the premium product of their CBD range, they do offer a standard CBD product which is a little cheaper than this one and they also offer CBG oil too.

Why Consider CBD For Immune Boost?

One of the many things CBD has helped people with is it’s immune boosting Properties. Taking CBD triggers your natural endocannabinoid system (ECS) through the C1 and C2 receptors.

C1 receptors are found in the nervous system, organs and connective tissues. While C2 receptors are found in the immune system, bones, blood vessels endocrine glands and reproductive organs.

The cannabinoids that are produced are not only crucial but work with these receptors to regulate the body’s various systems. They can have a wide range of effects including changes to the immune system, pain response, blood pressure, body temperature, PH levels and inflammation amongst others.

The ECS is very important in regulating the body’s balance and at times can get thrown out of whack with stress, lifestyle, changes in diet and lack of exercise. This is where the use of CBD can be of great help in boosting and keeping our immune systems that will be key to maintaining our well-being during the cold months ahead.


Do I think this product is worth the money? Yes I do, it covers all bases if you are looking to get a CBD product, Jersey Hemp are a very reputable company and you can’t go wrong with these people. If you are also on a plant based diet, this is a great option for you.

With the winter rapidly approaching, now is the time to get prepared for the cold nights. If you use my discount code HEMP10 to get 10% off your order. Alternatively, you can save a whooping 25% off your order if you subscribe. This means you will get a new bottle sent to you monthly at a reduced cost. BARGAIN! Just click on the subscribe button on item page to get this great deal!

Get your hot water bottles and thick jumpers at the ready, just make sure you have your Jerey Hemp CBD oil in your pocket over the winter months, along with your other supplements.

If you have tried this product or any other CBD, please let me know your thoughts. I would love to know your views on it.


Discount Voucher – HEMP10 at Checkout to receive 10% off order!


DISCLAIMER – Please seek the advice of your GP before any changes to your diet if you are considering this product.


This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any medical condition and IHP Limited makes no medical claims to this effect.

If you are using existing medication, please consult your doctor before using any CBD products.

  • Not recommended for lactating or pregnant women.
  • May cause drowsiness, dry mouth and changes in appetite.
  • Do not use if seal is broken.
  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • CBD products and other dietary or nutritional supplements should not replace varied and well-balanced diet.
  • Do not exceed the daily recommended intake.


Please don’t forget to check out other posts and YouTube Channel (don’t forget to subscribe) for the latest health and fitness news, CBD news, along with product reviewsmeditationsrecipesworkouts and if you require any CBD for you post workout therapy needs, please take a look at our store to get hold of yours now.




6 thoughts on “Jersey Hemp CBD Oil 1000mg – CBD Oil Review

  1. I have seen a lot of CBD products around, even for pets and really curious in regards to their effectiveness and whether it is really worth buying. You have mentioned that you believe that it is in fact worth it.

    I am wondering how long does it last? What is the daily dosage recommendation? At £69.99 I am hoping that it will last a bit longer than a month at least.

    1. Hi,

      This product is a premium CBD oil, that said it will last longer than a month, I would say just under two if you don’t go mad with the dosage. Its a great product and worth spending on mate. The dosage states between 3-6 drops. I take 3 and its an adequate amount.

      Hope this helps?

  2. It is true now that winter is approaching, it is appropriate to do something more to boost immunity and this Jersey Hemp CBD oil is very high quality based on the review and your experience of using it.
    Since I am still breastfeeding at the moment, it is not suitable for me at the moment, but I will definitely consider buying it later.

    1. Hi Nina,

      Congratulations on the new arrival, I hope all is going well? Glad you found the review helpful. Maybe give CBD a go once your able to.

      Thanks again.

  3. I enjoyed your informative review. I’ve been thinking about trying CBD oil. I hear so much about it these days. I really don’t know much about it yet but I have learned new things from this article. Also, I went back and read your article “CBD for Beginners. It too provided a good education for me. Thanks for doing the research and writing these posts.

    1. Hi Glenn,

      Glad you liked the review and also went back to read the beginners guide. If you got some knowledge out of it I’m happy. If you are thinking of getting some CBD then by all means DM me and we can have a chat about it.

      All the best, speak soon.

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