CBD Oil Review – Impact Sports CBD Oil 1600mg

Lee 8

CBD Oil Review – Impact Sports CBD Oil 1600mg

One of the main things that has played a key role in me being able to continue to maintain a decent level of fitness at the ripe age of 40 is knowledge. Knowledge in what training works, what your body is capable of and finding out what works best for you as an individual.

Knowing your own body is vital at anytime of your life, injury prevention and maintenance is so important. That is why for this CBD oil review I have turned to Impact Sports.

Brand: Impact Sports

Product: CBD Oil 1600mg

Price: £79.99

Strength: 1600mg (16%) of natural & organic hemp extract with 8mg CBD per drop.

Ingredients: Full Spectrum CO2 Hemp Extract, Olive Oil & Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT)

Usage & Dose: Place 2-4 drops under the tongue and hold for 30 seconds. Use twice daily.

Product Size: 10ml Bottle

My Rating: 8.5 out of 10


Impact Sports a Contender?

However, firstly, what is CBD?

Cannabidiol or CBD for short, is one of over a hundred cannabinoids (chemicals) found in hemp and marijuana plants. Making up for nearly half the plants genetic make up. The major key factor is another chemical called tetrahyrdrocannabinol or THC for short.

This is the psychoactive ingredient that resides in both plants and is the reason you get high, in marijuana there are larger amounts of THC with less CBD. Whereas hemp has a much lower level of THC (0.2% by law) but a higher amount of CBD.

After the plant has been harvested, it will get broken down into a pulp to begin the extraction process. This is where all the key components will be separated in various ways. There are a number of ways to extract CBD, the most common of which is with Carbon Dioxide (CO2).

This method separates the CBD using liquid and gas at various different temperatures, using state-of-the-art filtration equipment allowing for a better, cleaner and safe concentrate to use. This process is called fractionation and once this is complete you have an oil that is ready to be used in pretty much anything you can think of.

If you are familiar with my previous review of Impact Sports CBD capsules, you will know about Impact Sports history and philosophy, so I won’t go into great detail.

“Impact combine CiiTECH knowledge in Cannabis research and consumer products with the passion for fitness, sport and nutrition. We have built a team of sports enthusiasts from top professional sportsmen to fitness newbies from all walks of sport who truly believe, from personal experience, that CBD works for them. Call it our very own in-house bank of anecdotal evidence.”

They do not make claims about the benefits of CBD and they won’t try to convince you to use it. They say they’re just a CBD company that use vital CiiTECH knowledge and research combined with the close relationship of their customers and like-minded individuals to build a brand that anyone involved in an athletic lifestyle can turn to for their specific CBD needs.

CBD oil Review
Powerful Impact Sports CBD oil


If I Could Turn Back Time?

We have all maybe thought and tried to replicate those giddy days of fitness from when we were younger and in doing so, may have caused an injury or two. In all honesty, this is the thing that catches me out the most. At the time when working out, your mind and body get caught in the heat of the moment, you’ve pushed yourself too hard and then you feel that muscle tweak, twang or tear if your really unlucky. Lets just take a step back and consider your recovery regime without a major injury…

To any regular readers, you will know how I have mentioned time and time again how important it is to warm up and warm down for a workout. Loosen those joints and get that heart rate elevated, get that blood pumping.

This is all a lot of people do and they miss out on some great benefits some products have to offer.

Performance Enhancer?

One of the many things how CBD has worked for people is with inflammation. The post workout philosophy is that CBD helps reduce inflammation in the body and rapidly reduces the pain you feel from a demanding workout. Taking CBD triggers your natural endocannabinoid system (ECS) through the C1 and C2 receptors.

C1 receptors are found in the nervous system, organs and connective tissues. While C2 receptors are found in the immune system, bones, blood vessels endocrine glands and reproductive organs.

The cannabinoids that are produced are not only crucial but work with these receptors to regulate the body’s various systems. They can have a wide range of effects including changes to the immune system, pain response, blood pressure, body temperature, PH levels and inflammation amongst others.

The ECS is very important in regulating the body’s balance and at times can get thrown out of whack with stress, lifestyle, changes in diet and lack of exercise. This is where the use of CBD can be of great help to ease the pain first and foremost with a steady post workout routine that will be key to maintaining your fitness and well-being.

CBD oil Review
Two drops are all that is needed per dose


Road To Recovery

Having used this product for a month day and night, I can say it has helped me with my post therapy routine. I have had no issues with inflammation, as far as i’m aware. My performance has not been compromised in any way and I have been able to perform at my peak with no issues. Don’t get me wrong, there has been a little soreness, but nothing major. I have simply been putting two drops under my tongue in the morning and two in the evening. The one thing that was noticeable instantly was the flavour.

Having tried a few CBD products, this was by far the most distinctive. It has a kind of spicy after-taste that at point did make me cough and I could feel the zing of the oil in the back of my throat, which I wasn’t a fan of to start but after time didn’t bother me after a few days. The flavour itself, like lots of other CBD products has that “earthy” or “natural” taste to it. The consistency of it was also darker and thicker than other CBD oils I have tasted too.

Their oil has been enriched and enhanced with a full spectrum of active cannabinoids. More than 16% Total Cannabinoid content in every bottle – CBD (Cannabidiol), CBDv (Cannabidivarin), CBG (Canabigerol) and CBDa (CannabidiolicAcid).

There are other CBD oils out there nowadays that do have flavours and I shall be reviewing those another time. The cost is pretty much standard compared to other CBD oils. As I mentioned, I have been taking this product daily for near on a month and there’s still around just under a quarter left in the bottle. So I would say it will last you over a month, obviously if you increase the dosage to more than two drops it won’t last as long (my maths is impressive I know).

All the products at Impact are third party tested and they all have batched numbers to prove the quality of their goods. As its become apparent recently how many CBD products just aren’t what they say they are, by having all kinds of ingredients and substances that have dented CBDs reputation.

Conclusion – Ready, Steady…

If you are looking for a sport orientated product that is for recovery and used by sport’s professionals and enthusiasts worldwide, then you are in safe hands with Impact Sports. The CBD is manufactured in the UK, It is a full spectrum product and may help you with any inflammation issues. You could feel more vibrant and perform better, knowing you can perform to your peak while using this product and not have to worry about the aftermath of your workout.

If you need a CBD oil to help with recovery and inflammation, then get your hands on this product ASAP!



Please don’t forget to check out other posts and YouTube Channel (don’t forget to subscribe) for the latest health and fitness news, CBD news, along with product reviewsmeditationsrecipesworkouts and if you require any CBD for you post workout therapy needs, please take a look at our store to get hold of yours now.


DISCLAIMER – please see your GP if you are on medication, this product is sold as a food supplement and impact do not make any claims as to what CBD can do.



8 thoughts on “CBD Oil Review – Impact Sports CBD Oil 1600mg

  1. I would have though cbd would make you tired, then again, I suppose since it’s less intense than THC, it wouldn’t make you feel sluggish, but I use cbd to sleep since I suffer from insomnia and it works amazingly.

    It doesn’t make me feel sluggish the next day either and I’m less stressed at work.

    1. Hi Aria,

      Glad the CBD you are using works well for you, also using CBD for inflammation is very helpful to athletes that suffer from training after a hard workout.
      If you do train and your looking for a post workout product, this is well worth a try.

      What CBD do you use to sleep?

      Speak soon.

  2. I have been using CBD oil for a while now. I know it’s a bit expensive but it works for whatever you are taking it for. Thank you for introducing the impact sports CBD oil. I’m sure many people who are looking into increasing their stamina during exercise will benefit from it.

    Best wishes

    1. Hi Lex,

      Good to hear from you. This product isn’t available in America at the moment. They only ship to europe. Ill let you know what alternatives you can get your hands on if you live in the united states.

  3. Great review, I haven’t tried CBD oil before so this was very informative. It seems that there’s nothing that CBD oil can’t contribute to. How long do you think you could get from a bottle?

    1. Hi Sharon,

      I hope you are well? If you were to get a 10ml bottle, it would normally last over a month. This depends on the manufacturers instructions though. As some require only a drop or two and others require the full dropper. Always read the label and make sure the product is from a trusted brand (like this one).

      Hope this helped?

      Take care.

  4. LJ Kudos website is very informative although I was prescribed by a doctor medical cannabis for pain. That was because other doctors were giving me so much pain medication. I have decided to just deal with the pain than to keep being high from pills or cannabis. I have never tried CBD oils maybe it would be good to try. I don’t see a doctor either so I can’t ask the Dr. You have a great website keep up the good work.

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