EMOM Workouts – 7 Dumbbell Domination Exercises!

Lee 10

EMOM Workouts – 7 Dumbbell Domination Exercises!

A few weeks ago we embarked on an unknown journey, through uncharted waters of the EMOM workout!

We had so much fun making the video, that we decided to come back to it. Last time out we did a body weight workout that lasted for 20 minutes, which was a real calorie burner and worked the entire body.

To do that workout click here.

Now, im not some kind of drill sergeant that likes to dish out grueling workouts, but as we all know with EMOM that you can’t really have it any other way! I know some of you are thinking my sadistic streak is coming out here, but that’s not the case…honest.

Cadet In Training

As you may or may not know, EMOM stands for Every Minute On the Minute and has been widely popularized by those in the Crossfit community.

These types of workouts not only improve strength and reps, but also cardiovascular output too. Win win isn’t it! The aim of the game is to do a certain number of reps within that minute period, sounds easy right?

Think again, lets not forgot our friend (who’s not really a friend, but we don’t want to offend anyone) who we know as Lactic acid and “they” will be raring to lend a helping hand as the reps increase through the workout.

Once you complete the reps, you must make use of the time you have left in that minute to prepare for the next exercise, for those that do these kinds of exercises will know they can be very intense and you will burn major calories not only during but after the workout has finished too.

This is due to the fact your metabolism has to work at a higher rate which results in excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. No pain no gain right?

Creative Thinking

The structure of these kinds of workouts allows for great variety in training and does allow for various levels of fitness to participate and get involved too.

Most EMOM workouts will incorporate body weight, cardio and strength exercises within the routine and with a decent level of fitness, you should be able to complete the reps within 40 seconds. Easier said than done though by the time those last reps are being smashed out.

Dumbbell Division

For the workout we have today, we decided to use dumbbells exclusively for the entire routine. Using two 5kg weights, I know this doesn’t sound much to some, but I guarantee that you’ll know you’ve used them once the workout has finished.

I was going to use 7.5kg weights, im glad I opted for a lower weight, as it meant my form wasn’t compromised and I could perform the exercises correctly. It doesn’t mean your a hero if you use a heavy weight, it just means you may injure yourself, especially if you aren’t used to this type of training.

I know you are dying to know what the workout is this time round, so here it is:

  1. Press up leg tuck – 20
  2. Side lunge and press – each side – 12
  3. Leg raise with pull over and fly – 6
  4. Hammer curl with deltoid blast – 8
  5. Backward lunge, chest expansion & rear deltoid lift – 6
  6. Squat press and curl – 10
  7. Plank low row – 26

Work It Private

As you may or may not know, I am a big fan of two rounds and this workout is the same. You can see from the exercises above that all muscle groups are being used here, not only that but we are moving and using the dumbbells in a way which compliment functional fitness. This means the exercises allow the body to move as it should and will help with day to day tasks easier and more efficiently.

If you wanted to follow along with the workout in question here, then please click on the image below.


Hit The Showers

I understand that we are all different and are working towards different goals, but with this workout I burned 290 calories in 18 minutes.

Which you will agree, is quite a high intensity workout to have done that. Not that it’s a contest, im just giving you a ball park figure I got. Over time these workouts will drastically improve your speed, strength and overall fitness levels that will have those muscle-bound bozos at the gym rubber necking to check out your performance!

Being used to working with kettlebells made me realise just how important it is to vary your routines with different equipment, different levels of intensity and weight. Just using 5kg weights here, was a good challenge and wasnt easy by any means.

If you have tried this EMOM full body dumbbell workout and found it useful, then please comment below and let me know your thoughts as I would love to hear them.

Please don’t forget to check out other posts and YouTube Channel (don’t forget to subscribe) for the latest health and fitness news, CBD news, along with product reviews, meditations, recipes, workouts and if you require any CBD for you post workout therapy needs, please take a look at our store to get hold of yours now.

10 thoughts on “EMOM Workouts – 7 Dumbbell Domination Exercises!

  1. Thank you for your great article, I was looking for a long time to burn calories less than half an hour. The workout you taught is very nice and very easy for me to do it.



    1. Hi Manu,

      Hope you’re well mate?
      Thanks for the kind words. This workout is great for smashing through the calories in a short amount of time.

      Please door forget to check out the other workouts here at the website, we have all sorts here and I’m sure you’ll be able to find other workouts you’ll enjoy.

      Here they are – CLICK HERE

      Please also check out the YouTube channel and don’t forget to subscribe mate.

      Till next time, take care pal.

    1. Hi Aps,

      hope you are well?
      Yes…this workout can burn that many calories, however it depends on the individual.

      Still a great workout though. Give it a go.

  2. Hi Lee

    As you know, I am a sucker for any new workouts with dumbells so had to give these a go.

    First confession – I have a fear of press ups following an incident at a gym. While waiting for a treadmill to become free (in January many years ago) I did about 100 press ups. This resulted in me having to phone in sick from work as I was in so much pain I couldn’t hold the phone to my head.

    Long story short – I missed out the press ups. I loved the ingenuity in so many of the other exercises, especially 5 and 6.

    Second confession – I hate planks so didn’t attempt them but am aware how much of a wimp I am so I will commit to giving them a go (and maybe a few press-ups along the way).

    Thanks for the lengths you go to to make these videos.

    Great job.



    1. Hi Jean,

      I know some find press ups a challenge, but have you tried doing them off your knees to take weight off chest? If not give them a try.

      You could do the same thing with the plank to build strength up. use you’re knees and then increase the gap between you’re arms and knees.

      However, do what you can and I’m pleased you got involved with this workout. Great stuff.

      Please check in again for more in the future.

      Take care and speak soon.

  3. By far one of the best dumbell workouts I’ve done. I actually finished it in less than twenty minutes as well but was exhausted at the end.

    I found the low Plank row the most challenging, but I’m assuming it has to do with the fact it’s the last exercise in the series.

    I’m usually able to do it without any difficulty, but not this time. I might even be overtrained from the back workout I did yesterday.

    Anyhow, appreciate your recommendation for today’s training and can’t wait to see what you come up with next.


    1. Hi mate,

      great to hear from you. This is also high praise indeed…Thank you!

      Pleased you tried the workout and enjoyed it. It’s also good to hear it was challenging for someone who does train regularly.

      Im always coming up with new workout routines, so I’ll upload another one some time soon.

      Thanks for stopping by as ever mate.

      All the best.

  4. I knew this was going to be a great workout before I even tried it, I use to do a lot of exercises including running called intervel training where I would start off light with an exercise and increase it four times for one minute – rest for 2 minutes then go on to the next set that is at a higher intensity. Do this for 4 sets which will bring me to my max level. This not only increased my strength but my running ability excelled my expectitions. I went from running 5 to 8km to 12km in just 4 weeks.

    And sure enough when I gave your program a spin I quickly realized how effective it was. Great workout program and like you said, keep changing it up so the muscles don’t get lazy with your program.
    Thanks for sharing

    1. Hi Rick,

      Interval training is a great way to burn some serious calories that’s for sure. I do like this type of training I must admit.

      It can also improve your endurance no end as well as your strength depending on what you train.

      Appreciate you thinking the workouts I do are effective, that means a lot so thank you.

      As you mentioned, its always good to mix up you’re training from time to time to keep it fresh. Great tips there.

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