Kettlebell Workout Routines – 8 Extreme Exercises!

Lee 11

Kettlebell Workout Routines – 8 Extreme Exercises!

As we continue the ongoing series of kettlebell upper body workouts, I thought the entire body was feeling a little neglected, so decided to do full body kettlebell workout to cheer your lower body up no end!

Background Noise

If you are new to this site and were wondering what it is all about? Let me just go over a little introduction of my background in fitness.

I have been working out for over two decades and in that time there have been various different types of workouts, diets and fads come and go.

Im a standard middle aged guy, who just likes taking care of himself and exercising, through trial and error I have found out what works for me and what doesnt in that time. I know we are all different, what will work for me might not be the same for the next person. However, if you follow on my journey here, you will defiately be on the right track.

The main thing for me on keeping fit is consistancy and determination. If you stick at it, you will soon notice changes and a mindset to make working out become second nature…or even a state of mind.

This was the catalyst for the website and YouTube channel.

Kettlebell Glory

You should know by now that I am a big fan of the old Russian favourite (that would be the kettlebell) and I have been an advocote of using them for some time now, as they can increase your cardio output, strength and endurance to name a few.

I have written on various occasions regarding the amazing benefits of kettlebells, so I wont continue to preach here, however if you wanted to check out one of my previous posts click here.

I have also been developing different kettlebell exercises and routines that pomote functional fitness and mobility with some of my other workouts. If you wanted to check them out then please click here.

We have plenty of kettlebell workouts for you to try, as well as EMOM workouts with dumbbells and body weight routines too, so give them a try!

The Full Monty

With the workout I have put together here, I didnt want to do the generic and boring, yet affective swings. I wanted to do a kind of routine, which works multiple muscle groups in one movement, these are also known as compound exercises.

With all the exercises in this workout, you will always work various muscle groups, so be prepared for it. I have personally found this type of training to be the most effective for me.

With me being on the “mature side” shall we say, Im not looking to lift exessively heavy weights at my age as I dont want to damage my joints overloading them. Although, this is the way to hypertrophy, which is an increase and growth of muscle cells. Hypertrophy refers to an increase in muscular size achieved through exercise…Im happy to increase the reps and maintain what I have.

Todays Menu

What we have with this workout today is eight exercise that will work the entire body, that will take you 20 minutes if you perform the two rounds in which the workout is intended.

Now, this isnt a crossfit competition so lets not go into beast mode just yet, lets take a look at the exercises in this workout.

Firstly I must mention that the workout here is in the form of a circuit, with each exercise lasting for 45 seconds before giving you a 15 second break to prepare for the next exercise.

Then we go straight at it with the next exercise. Slightly brutal I know, but try and keep up and do your best. With this workout I burned over 250 calories and it worked the full body nicely…even if I do say so myself!

Exercises in this workout:

  1. Squat swing
  2. Knees up kettlebell crunch
  3. Back lunge with spinal rotation
  4. Overhead pull with hips up
  5. One arm pull
  6. Forward lift, deadlift, hop back and press
  7. Bent over low row
  8. Hip tap rotation

What You Working Here?

As you can see from the exercises above, all the major muscle groups are being worked…from the glutes, quads and back with the squat swing, to the shoulders, upper back, lower back, core, hamstrings, calves and chest with the Forward lift, deadlift, hop back and press. 

These are just two of the exercises in this challenging workout. 

If you wanted to follow along with the workout in real time, then click on the image below to check out the exercises in detail also.

When working with kettlebells its worth mentioning that you must take care when using this type of equipment, due to the fact you are moving around a heavy weight that can do damage if you arent warmed up correctly.

For this reason always make sure you have enough room to move and you watch the video beofre participating with the workout.

If you are familiar with kettlebells you will be absolutely fine, if you are not familiar please consider the above. Most of all enjoy the workout and satisfaction of completing this body burning routine.

Wrapping It Up

If you have tried this kettlebell full body workout and found it useful, then please comment below and let me know your thoughts as I would love to hear them.

Please don’t forget to check out other posts and YouTube Channel (don’t forget to subscribe) for the latest health and fitness news, CBD news, along with product reviewsmeditationsrecipesworkouts and if you require any CBD for you post workout therapy needs, please take a look at our store to get hold of yours now.

11 thoughts on “Kettlebell Workout Routines – 8 Extreme Exercises!

  1. Thank you for the informative post. Actually, I was looking for a solution on how to exercise lower-body at home and I’m super excited that I found the exact solution. I like the Kettlebell workout that you have explained here and I would definitely try it out.

    1. Hi Raj,

      I hope you are well?

      Glad you came across this workout and that it is something you would try. Please let me know how you get on once you have done it and please try out some of my other workouts here at the channel, we have lots of other kettlebell workout routines – CLICK HERE!

      Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Hi there, I would like to know if the exercises you have introduced here will work out for women. I do very simple exercises at home and I use a 9lbs dumbbells. I don’t anything about kettlebell, but I think they are perfect for men only. I do have a nephew back in Georgia, USA and he works out a lot and use those heavy barbells. I will forward him your website as I am sure he will be interested to learn more from you. Thank you for sharing information on workouts.


    1. Hi Evelyn,

      Hope you are well?

      My workouts are completely universal…dont let the kettlebell put you off.

      If you didn’t have a kettlebell, you can still do the workouts with a dumbbell no problem.

      if you are unfamiliar with exercising or using kettlebells, I would suggest that you try the workouts with a very light dumbbell of a can of beans etc.

      This will help you get used to the way the kb would move and be used with the workout.

      Please give it a try with your dumbbell and let me know how you get on.

      Im sure you will be fine to do so.

      Thanks for dropping by and please check back in soon.


  3. I haven’t tried kettlebell full body workout before and I do not know anyone who has tried it before. But i believe when done the right way, something is definitely going to come out of it.

    Kettlebell full body workout looks like a very effective workout if you are really dedicated to it.

    Great article by the way and keep the good work.

    1. Hi Femi,

      thank you so much for the kind words. Kettlebells have been around for some time and origianted in Russia and gradually they have become a vital tool for workout enthusiasts all around the world.
      If you get the chance I would definitely give the kettlebell workouts a try. I think they are the most versatile piece of equipment you can use.

      If you ever get the chance to exercise with them let me know how you get on with it and also check out some of my other workouts I have on the website and YouTube channel also.

      Thanks as ever.

      All the best.

  4. Hi Lee – I haven’t implemented kettlebells into my workout regimen too often, but I like the workout you’ve provided. For a full body workout, that seems pretty nice to be finished within 20 minutes. To burn some additional calories you can sneak in a bit of cardio and be finished all within an hour! In your experience, do you prefer kettlebells over free weights? Or does it depend on what your goals are? Thank you for sharing your knowledge!

    1. Hi Dereck,

      I hope you are well? I always try to keep the workouts at a length where it doesn’t become boring and you know you have put a good shift in. If you can do any cardio after this, then you should apply for Gladiators! Thats some going there!

      I personally do prefer kettlebells over any other piece of equipment, as I feel that you can do so much with just a single kettlebell. You can get a similar effect with a dumbbell, so if you don’t have a KB you can still get by.

      However, all I use is a 16kg bell and that has never done me wrong and you are well done after the workout. Ask anyone who uses kettlebells and they will tell you the same. That they are an awesome piece of kit.

      Thank you for stopping by.

  5. Kettleball can be hard at times and takes getting used to. I use them all the time and CBD before and after each workout helps. CBD and post-workouts are the best combinations.
    In this article, he explains the details that you must know.


    1. Hi mate,

      how are you? great to hear from you. I completely agree with everything you have said here.
      I do the same thing myself with my post workout therapy.

      CBD works a treat and its good to see more people are becoming more aware of the wonderful properties this product has.
      kettlebells can take time to get used to. however, once you do you will wonder what you ever did without them!

      Thanks again mate.
      You are also correct with how

  6. Hey,

    Another excellent article on using the Kettlebell. I didn’t realise there were so many ways you could use a kettlebell when exercising.

    I am definitely going to incorporate these exercises into my routines and I will let you know how I am getting on.

    Thank you for sharing and keep up the great work.

    All the best,


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