Should I Do Biceps And Triceps On The Same Day? All You Need To Know Here
Everybody loves working their arms to grow those biceps and triceps. But should you do them on the same day?
There is a lot of conflicting information out there and it’s not easy to find a definitive answer to help you make an educated decision.
Most people probably think that you should do your biceps and triceps workouts on different days since they are two different muscles.
But is this actually the best way to go about it? In this blog post, we’ll take a look at reasons why you could do both biceps and triceps on the same day, as well as reasons why it might not be in your best interests.
Should I do biceps and triceps on the same day?
There has been a lot said and written regarding this subject, but one thing is clear: there is no one-size-fits-all answer. It really all comes down to personal preference and your goals. If you’re looking for a great pump and to keep your routine fresh, then doing biceps and triceps on the same day might be a good idea. Additionally, training both of these small muscle groups together can also be more convenient since you don’t have to keep track of different days for each muscle group. However, there are also some drawbacks to consider. If you’re doing your biceps and triceps on the same day, it may cause your arms to become fatigued and more prone to injury, depending on the volume and level of intensity of your workouts. Depending on your routine and how you decide to work both muscle groups in the same session, it might be advisable NOT to do both muscle groups on the same day, especially if you’re planning to train other muscles (such as your chest or back) the next day or so. As you need adequate rest days in-between muscle groups to allow them to recover and grow. You may also consider complementing your push and pull workouts by doing your biceps and triceps as secondary muscles on those days, as opposed to training both biceps and triceps within the same workout.
Basic bicep and triceps anatomy
Before we get into the nitty-gritty of whether you should or shouldn’t do your biceps and triceps on the same day, it’s important to understand the anatomy of these two muscle groups.
Biceps are composed of three heads – the long head, the short head, and the brachialis – that all work together to pull your arms closer to your body by flexing your elbow joint.
The triceps are three muscles – the long head, the lateral head, and the medial head – that all work together to push your arms away from your body by extending your elbow joint.
The biceps and triceps work together to ensure you can perform a range of activities with your arms, such as pushing, pulling and lifting.
Types of contractions
When you perform a biceps curl, the biceps pull and the elbow flexes. This is known as a concentric contraction.
During a triceps extension, the triceps pull and the elbow extends. This is known as an eccentric contraction.
An isometric contraction occurs when a muscle contracts without changing its length. This is useful when you want to maintain a particular position or keep the weight steady during a curl or extension.
An isotonic contraction occurs when a muscle changes its length while under tension. This is useful when you want to move a weight or carry out an exercise such as a curl or extension.

Biceps pull and triceps push
Biceps and triceps work in opposition to each other in order to move the arm at different angles, as well as in different directions.
When the biceps pull, they flex the elbow joint and bring the hand towards the shoulder. When the triceps push, they extend the elbow joint and push the hand away from the shoulder.
Both muscle groups work together to move the arm in a full range of motion, with the biceps playing a much more important role in ensuring it’s able to flex, and the triceps aiding in its ability to extend.
Both muscles need to be strong enough to effectively carry out their respective movements.
The biceps pull when your arm is in a flexed position, such as during a curl or when lifting something.
The triceps push when your arm is in an extended position, such as during a triceps extension or push-up.
Related: How Long Does it Take For Biceps to Grow an Inch?
Small muscle groups
Biceps and triceps are small muscle groups, meaning they don’t require as much energy to be trained as larger muscles such as the back or chest.
This means they can be trained on the same day without taxing the body too much, as long as they are not being over-trained.
However, since these muscles work in opposition to each other (i.e. the biceps pull and the triceps push), it’s important not to put too much emphasis on one muscle group over the other, as this can lead to imbalances and eventual injury.
Antagonistic and agonist muscle groups
Biceps and triceps are both agonist and antagonistic muscle groups, meaning they work together to produce the same movement but in opposite directions.
This means that when one muscle is flexing, the other is extending. When one muscle is working, the other is resting.
When you do a bicep curl, the biceps are engaged as the agonist (the muscle that performs the movement), and the triceps are engaged as the antagonist (the muscle that resists the movement).
The same is true when you do a triceps extension, the triceps are engaged as the agonist and the biceps are engaged as the antagonist.
Training these muscle groups together can help to ensure that the body is able to move in a full range of motion.
This is why it can be beneficial to train both biceps and triceps in the same workout, as they will both get a good workout without fatiguing too quickly.
A good pump
Doing biceps and triceps on the same day can be a great way to get a good pump for both muscle groups.
A good pump is the feeling of the muscles being full and swollen with blood. This can help to increase the muscle’s size and strength, while also providing a good metabolic stimulus for fat loss.
Everyone who lifts enjoys a good pump, and adding biceps and triceps workouts on the same day can help you make the most of your session.
Getting a good pump from working both these muscle groups within the same session is very popular among bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts alike.
The increased blood flow that comes with a good pump can help to provide the muscles with essential nutrients and oxygen, which can aid in muscle growth and recovery.
However, I wouldn’t necessarily do biceps and triceps at the same time for this reason alone, because this isn’t the reason training these muscle groups together was designed for, although it can be a great added bonus.
Keeps the routine fresh
If you don’t normally train both these muscle groups in the same session, then why not think about doing biceps and triceps on the same day, this can be a great way to keep your routine fresh.
This is especially useful if you’ve been doing the same workout for a while, as it can help to break up the monotony and give you something new to do because you’re targeting different muscles.
It can also be a good way to increase your intensity and keep things interesting.
It can also be a great way to surprise your body and stimulate new muscle growth, as the muscles are subjected to different types of exercises.
Your muscles can get used to doing the same exercises, and when you mix things up they can be challenged in a different way, which can lead to better gains.
Doing biceps and triceps on the same day can also be more convenient, as you don’t have to keep track of different days for each muscle group.
It’s also a great way to save time, as you don’t have to wait for another day to pass by before you can target a particular muscle group.
This also works well if you want to increase the frequency of your workouts, as you can get a full-arm workout without having to commit to two separate days, which will allow you to recover from the previous workout more quickly.
It’s important to think about your workout split before deciding to do biceps and triceps on the same day because the benefits of this approach depend on the rest of your training program.
It might be convenient to do both biceps and triceps on the same day, but if your workout split doesn’t allow for it, then you should choose a different option.
May cause fatigue and damage
When you train both biceps and triceps together, it’s important to alternate between them so that one muscle group doesn’t become too fatigued.
If you do too many sets of biceps and triceps on the same day, it can lead to overtraining and muscle damage.
This can be detrimental to your progress, as the muscles will not repair properly if they are over-stressed.
Additionally, it’s important to consider how your other muscle groups will be affected.
If you do both biceps and triceps in the same session, you need to make sure you are training them correctly in order to get the best results without overworking the other muscle groups.
Because the biceps and triceps function together, it’s essential to not do an extensive amount of volume for these muscles within one session. This is because the tendons and ligaments can become overstretched.
Related: Are bicep curls bad for a rotator cuff?
Does your routine allow for it?
It isn’t worth doing biceps and triceps on the same day if you are looking for optimal gains, as it can be too much strain on the muscles.
It is best to have a rest day after doing biceps and triceps together, or you can work your legs in-between so that your arms have time to recover between sessions.
If you don’t take this into account when it comes to your training session the following day… let’s say for chest, your arms may not have fully recovered, and this can diminish the intensity of your chest workout.
If you can’t make the most out of your workouts and get tangible results, then what’s the point of working out in the first place?
If your routine clashes or doesn’t work with doing biceps and triceps together, it may be best to split them into different days.
No work as secondary muscles on push and pulls days
An important factor to take into consideration when deciding whether or not to do biceps and triceps on the same day is what your other workouts involve.
If you are doing a lot of pushing or pulling movements, then it may not be a good idea to include biceps or triceps as secondary muscles in the same session.
Nowadays, people structure their workouts differently, focusing on push-and-pull days instead of isolation exercises like they used to.
Therefore, if you are doing a push-and-pull day, then it’s best to include any biceps or triceps exercises, depending on which type of workout you’re doing.
For example, if you are doing a push day, then it would be best to include triceps exercises in your session after the main pushing exercises.
One benefit of working your biceps and triceps separately is that they are already getting worked during the primary pushing or pulling exercises. This can help you to improve your results.
How are you training them?
Finally, when deciding whether to do biceps and triceps on the same day, you need to think about how you are going to train them.
For example, are you going to do each muscle group separately or mix them up in supersets? Are you going to stick to a certain rep range or go to failure?
These are all important factors that need to be taken into account when deciding whether or not to do biceps and triceps on the same day.
For example, you could do a set of biceps curls followed by a set of triceps extensions. This way, you can ensure that both muscle groups are getting an effective workout without either one becoming too tired to complete the exercises.
Overall, whether or not you should do biceps and triceps on the same day really depends on a number of factors, such as your goals, available time and how you are planning to train them.
It’s important to make an informed decision that takes into account all of these factors, in order to ensure you are getting the best possible results from your workouts.
What are your goals?
So the big question is, should you do biceps and triceps on the same day?
The answer really depends on your goals. If you are looking to build strength, size and power in these muscle groups, then doing them on different days is ideal as it allows for more rest and recovery between workouts.
If you are looking to keep your routine fresh and get a great pump, then doing biceps and triceps on the same day might be a good option.
Additionally, it can also be more convenient since you don’t have to keep track of different days for each muscle group, but then surely your not looking for convenience in a workout, you’re looking for progress.
It’s important to take all these factors into account when deciding whether or not to do biceps and triceps on the same day. Ultimately, the decision is yours and you need to experiment and find out what works best for you.
Related: Why do I feel bicep curls in my joints?
Final thoughts…
At the end of the day, there is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to deciding whether or not to do biceps and triceps on the same day. It all comes down to personal preference and your goals.
Before making your decision, make sure to take into account all the factors mentioned above in order to ensure that you are getting the best possible results from your workouts.
Do you train biceps and triceps on the same day? Let me know in the comments below!