Why Are Pull Ups Getting Harder? 14 Ways To Get Back On Track

why are pull ups getting harder

Why Are Pull Ups Getting Harder? 14 Ways To Get Back On Track

Are you finding that pull ups are getting harder and harder to do? You’re not alone. Many people find that they can’t do as many of them as they could a few months ago.

It can be frustrating because until recently you were able to do a certain amount of reps with no problem, but for some reason, you either can’t do as many or you are finding that they are tougher to do.

So what’s going on? Why are they getting harder?

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the possible reasons why pull ups are getting harder and explore some possible solutions, so you can continue to improve your strength and performance without any issues.

Why are pull ups getting harder?

Pull ups might be getting harder for several reasons, which could be down to your weight. If you have gained muscle recently due to a bulking phase, then it may be harder to perform pull ups due to the extra weight you are carrying. Injury or sickness can also make pull ups more difficult, as can overtraining and under training. Range of motion could also be an issue; if your muscles are sore from not warming up properly or stretching enough, that can make pull ups tougher. Not getting enough rest can also be a factor, as exhaustion can make it harder to perform exercises like pull ups. You might need to change up your routine and make sure you’re getting the appropriate amount of rest between workouts. Mood and stress levels can also impact your performance, so make sure you pay attention to how you’re feeling and managing your stress levels. Hydration is also important, as it helps keep your muscles fueled during workouts. Finally, diet plays a role in performance; if you are cutting or restricting calories, that can make pull ups tougher too. Your intensity levels, training volume, the execution of your exercises, and whether or not you are being patient and consistent with your form can all impact how difficult pull ups become. By paying attention to all of these factors and making small adjustments accordingly, you should be able to improve your performance and make pull ups easier once again. 

What are your goals?

It’s important to remember that the difficulty of pull ups is relative; if your goal is to simply do more reps of pull ups, then you’ll need to gradually increase the intensity and volume.

If your goal is more strength-focused, however, then you may need to look at things like technique and form as well as rest periods in order to ensure optimal performance.

Ultimately, everyone is different and every situation is unique, so it’s important to assess your own individual needs when trying to figure out why pull ups are getting harder.

By taking the time to understand what might be causing the issue and making appropriate adjustments, you should be able to get back on track with your strength gains.

Have you put on muscle?

Have you been bulking recently and put on a lot of muscle? Although this is often seen as a good thing, it can make pull ups harder due to the extra weight.

This is because the extra weight puts more strain on the muscles, making it harder to get the same number of reps.

If this is what you think might be causing your pull ups to be getting harder, then you could try reducing your bulk and losing some muscle mass. This will make pull ups easier again because you’ll have less weight to lift. 

If you didn’t want to do that, then use a resistance band to help you with the pull ups. This will take some of the pressure off your muscles and also help improve form by keeping your body in a more upright position.

Think about it…if you have put on a lot of muscle recently then this could actually be good news – it means you are getting stronger and the process is working, plus that extra muscle might be the difference in your pull ups being that bit harder.

Injury or sickness

If you have an injury or illness, then this can make pull ups harder. This is because the muscles may be weakened due to the injury or sickness, leading to a decrease in strength and performance.

If you think this is what has been causing your pull ups to become harder, then make sure you rest and recover properly.

Don’t rush back into exercise too soon as this could worsen the injury or illness. If necessary, seek medical advice to help with the recovery process. 

Once you are feeling better and your injury or illness has healed, then you should be able to get back to pull ups again.

We have all been there when we rush back too soon and our performance drops, so take it slow and give your body the time it needs to heal.

why are pull ups getting harder

Overtraining or under worked

If you are overtraining or undertraining, this can also make pull ups tougher. Overtraining can lead to a decrease in strength due to fatigue, while undertraining may mean that the muscles aren’t strong enough to perform the exercise correctly.

If you think this is what’s making pull ups harder, then assess your workout regime and adjust accordingly.

Make sure you are getting enough rest days to allow for recovery, and ensure that your training intensity and volume are appropriate for your goals.

You need to be consistent with your training but don’t overdo it, find that balance which works for you.

Also, make sure that you are performing the exercises with the correct form and technique – this will help to ensure optimal performance and make pull ups easier for you.

Range of motion

Another reason why pull ups might be getting harder is that your range of motion could be affected. If you are not warming up properly or stretching enough, then this can lead to tight muscles.

This can make pull ups more difficult as it limits how far the body can move, making it harder to lift yourself up. 

This might also be an issue if you have recently recovered from an injury and the muscles are still tight and weak.

To combat this, make sure you warm up properly before any exercise session – dynamic stretching is a great way to do this.

And don’t forget to stretch afterwards too, as this will help to maintain flexibility and keep the muscles loose and supple.

Not getting enough rest

Not getting enough rest can also make pull ups harder. This is because when we are tired and fatigued, it can be harder to perform exercises like pull ups as our strength levels are lower.

To ensure you have enough energy and rest to perform pull ups, make sure you are getting sufficient sleep. Aim for 7-9 hours a night, and if you can get more then all the better.

Also, make sure you have enough rest days between workouts so that your body can recover and repair itself.

Not only will this help with performance but it will also help you to stay motivated and prevent burnout.

If you are exhausted then it can be hard to summon up the energy to do pull ups, so make sure you are getting enough sleep and rest days. 

Change up routine

If you have been doing the same routine for a while now, then it could be time to switch things up.

The body is incredibly adaptive and can quickly get used to certain exercises, so it is important to switch up your routine every now and then.

This could mean adding in some different exercises to work the same muscle groups or increasing the intensity of your existing routine. 

This will help to keep things fresh and stop you from getting bored, and it will also help to keep your muscles challenged.

Change the way you do pull ups, maybe do negatives, holds or tempo reps, or try using different grips to really work the muscles.

Maybe use a resistance band for assistance, as this can help to make pull ups easier and will also help you to progress faster.

Mood and stress levels

This might sound a little strange, but have you ever thought that your stress levels could play a key role in how you perform at the gym?

If you are feeling extra stressed, then this could also be making pull ups harder for you.

When we are under stress, the body releases chemicals that can make us feel tired and lethargic, which in turn makes it harder to perform exercises like pull ups.

To combat this, make sure you are taking time to feel relaxed and de-stress. Find a way of calming yourself that works for you – this could be yoga, meditation or just listening to some calming music.

Ensure you are getting enough sleep to help manage stress levels and make sure you are taking regular breaks from work or other commitments.

By managing your stress levels and prioritising rest, it can help to make pull ups easier for you. 

why are pull ups getting harder

Diet and hydration

It is no secret that diet and hydration can have a huge impact on how we feel and perform, so make sure you are taking the time to look after your body.

Ensure you are eating enough of the right foods – like lots of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, wholegrains and healthy fats.

Don’t forget to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day, as this will help to keep your energy levels up and ensure your muscles are functioning optimally.

It can also be a good idea to eat something before exercising, like a banana or some nuts, as this will give you some fuel to help power through pull ups.

Eating a balanced diet and staying hydrated, can help to make pull ups much easier.

Are you cutting?

Reducing calorie intake, it can mean that our body has less energy to work with which can make it harder to perform any exercise.

It is important to remember that cutting should be done in moderation and that it is still possible to reach your fitness goals while eating a balanced diet.

If you are trying to cut, then adjust your calorie intake accordingly and make sure you are getting enough of the right nutrients to fuel your workouts.

By making these small adjustments, it can help to make pull ups easier and ensure you are getting the most out of your workouts.

Your intensity levels

Are you pushing yourself hard enough in your workouts? Are you challenging yourself to reach new levels?

If not, then this could be why pull ups are becoming harder for you.

By increasing the intensity of your workouts, you can keep pushing yourself to new heights and really make the most out of each exercise. 

I have been here before, just turning up to the gym and going through the motions, not really having any drive or desire to improve…sometimes you just lose your way.

If you feel like you’re stuck in your current workout routine, it is essential to mix things up and try new variations of exercises to see results.

By doing this, you will ensure that your body is always challenged and it can help to make pull ups much easier.

This will help to make pull ups easier and ensure you are getting the most out of your workouts.

Are you being patient and consistent?

It is easy to expect results after a few weeks of exercise, but the truth is that it can take time for your body to adjust and for you to see real improvement.

If you have just started working out, you can expect to see progress over the course of several months, not weeks.

Being patient and consistent with your workouts is essential if you want to make progress. 

Although some people will see initial gains in a short period of time, for most people it can take months or even years to build substantial strength.

So if you are feeling frustrated by lack of progress, take the time to be patient and consistent. 

Don’t give up and push yourself to keep going even if you feel like it’s getting harder. The best thing to do is to make small and manageable targets/goals that you can work towards.

Is it mental?

Finally, it could be that the reason why pull ups are getting harder for you is down to mental blocks.

When we don’t have confidence in ourselves or see immediate results, it can be tough to find the motivation to keep working out. If this is the case, don’t be too hard on yourself.

Remember… progress takes time.

Focus on the small wins and celebrate each victory, no matter how big or small.

The more you keep pushing yourself, the more progress you will make and eventually pull ups will become easier.

Set yourself achievable goals and then reward yourself when you reach them, this will help to keep you motivated. 

Final thoughts…

Pull ups can be difficult for a variety of reasons and it is important to understand why pull ups are getting harder for you.

Take the time to analyze your current diet, intensity levels and performance, as these are all key factors that can influence how easy or difficult pull ups become.

Don’t forget to reward yourself when you reach your goals. Celebrate the small wins and don’t give up! 

With the right attitude and determination, you can make pull ups easier and reach your fitness goals.

Have you experienced this issue and how did you fix the problem? Let me know in the comments below.

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Until next time, all the best…

Beginners Upper Body Kettlebell Workout


Founder – Sport CBDs

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