CBD News Updates – Stay In The Loop

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CBD News Updates – Stay In The Loop

With the fact I have been blogging for three hard, soul-searching months to bring my fitness, well-being and CBD news to the masses (that’s just friends and family who read this). Its dawned on me that I am already running out of things to say and with this in mind I’m going to be calling it a day.

The above is perhaps a tad dramatic, call it click bait if you wish? Unfortunately or fortunately… I have more material in the locker for sometime yet and wanted to give you some of the latest CBD news updates for your perusal while on lock down (if you are that bored).


Study Suggests CBD May Help Combat COVID-19


Research published in April by a group of scientists in Canada have been studying how the use of powerful strains of CBD sativa could help prevent the spread and reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19. They hypothesize that the use of CBD could reduce the risk of contracting the virus by regulating enzyme and protein receptors which make it harder for the virus to take a hold. What they did was use human 3D models of oral, airway, and intestinal tissues to simulate how the virus spreads through the human body.

With the introduction of CBD, they found that with the high strains of Sativa the virus was drastically reduced and the thought is that this could act as a preventional measure in the future with the introduction of mouth washes and other oral treatments to help protect against the virus.

CBD News Updates


The results, printed in online journal Preprints haven’t been peer reviewed as yet, so its still too early to get too excited but it is still encouraging news nonetheless.

I think any kind of positive news, research and treatment on COVID-19 is worth further investigation no matter its origin.


New CBD Syringes Recalled


A CBD company has issued a voluntary product recall after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) highlighted they had made unsubstantiated claims regarding their products.

Biota Biosciences, a Seattle-based CBD manufacturer, are recalling three different injectable products that were being marketed without FDA approval.

Prior to the recall, the FDA had notified Biota Biosciences that the marketing material on its website that made unapproved product claims made its products unapproved new drugs sold in violation of the federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.

One of the main concerns with the products is that they were not clearly labeled directions for use and that is something the FDA were not happy about. To have anyone injecting products into their blood stream without proper instructions is a recipe for potential disaster and one that’s not worth taking.


CBD News Updates


I haven’t been the biggest fan of needles since the TB inoculation back at school and there’s always going to be a market for this but its not something I would consider. However, some might and if that is the case, lets hope the products are correctly labeled in the future.


CBD News Updates


Kristen Bell Launches CBD Skincare Range


Hollywood actress Kristen Bell is launching her own CBD skincare range. Its called “Happy Dance” and will be available in the autumn. The Good Place actress, 39, mother of two has used Lord Jones CBD products for two years and after being introduced by mutual friends meeting co-founders Robert Rosenheck and Cindy Capobianco, they got on so well that they decided to collaborate with a new line of products.

Bell was skeptical to use CBD at first, but was quickly blown away by the quality, integrity and consistency in all the products.

They will be launching a more affordable line to introduce CBD to a broader audience and it was Kristen’s vision to create a CBD skincare line for working moms as an everyday self-care essential.

“From creating the brand to designing the products and packaging to the formulation process, she has been integral. Kristen is a skin care expert given her long experience as a working actress” the founders have said.

Kristin has yet to dish on the specifics but she’s looking forward to helping give people a dose of self-care.


CBD For Tobacco Addiction


Its become apparent that CBD has shown promise with its array of diverse benefits, including its ability to help people quit smoking. The study which 700 adults participated in, aimed to measure the impact on different age groups by using a randomized, uncontrolled parallel-group trial conducted with the members of various CBD groups.

The results found that the primary outcome, 297/700 (42.42%) in the control group were able to abstain from smoking for a month by Inhaling CBD from a Vape or taking CBD oil substantially improves abstinence amongst adult nicotine-dependent smokers wanting to quit.

Others findings included that 33% of the participants who took CBD found it very difficult to not smoke for more than a week, with around 10% of the subjects started smoking again in 2 weeks, in spite of using CBD and nearly 15% of the study participants took CBD and continued to smoke for 3 weeks, even if they didn’t feel the motivation to do so and they only had intense withdrawal symptoms.


CBD News Updates


The trial demonstrated that a simple CBD Vaporizer, using relatively inexpensive standard technology, increases smoking rates of quitting over and above nicotine patch therapy, and could usefully enhance nicotine replacement in smoking treatment.

I think the health benefits from inhaling CBD over tobacco are obvious, so having a healthier alternative could help people kick the addiction.


In Closing…


With the studies mentioned above, its good to see research not only being carried out but the positive results are a welcome addition during these worrying times. With all CBD products, there needs to be clear and precise standards that are met to ensure we can all enjoy these products without the worry of not being ripped off or to have taken any harmful substances.

I’ve not really seen anything with Kristen Bell in since “Forgetting Sarah Marshall”, nonetheless I thought a bit of Hollywood news wouldn’t hurt.

Until the next time, please stay safe and goodnight.


Check out my Review of CBD capsules – CLICK HERE


Please don’t forget to check out other posts and YouTube Channel (don’t forget to subscribe) for the latest health and fitness news, CBD news, along with product reviewsmeditationsrecipesworkouts and if you require any CBD for you post workout therapy needs, please take a look at our store to get hold of yours now.





10 thoughts on “CBD News Updates – Stay In The Loop

  1. I’m very much into the natural and alternative remedies too. I have used the CBD oil myself but did not know the great deal about it.

    Many thanks for sharing this information with us.


  2. Omg I honestly thought you were about to hang up your type writer you seriously had me.
    Interesting read though I have been following this site for a while now and I find all of your posts interesting and an easy read as well as being very informative.

    1. Hi Smithy,

      Its so nice to hear that you are enjoying the blog. The type writer has plenty of ink in its ribbon for now. When I’m running low ill nip Woolworths for some refills. Please do keep checking in, your support is really appreciated.

  3. Really interesting article, thanks, lot of new info, especially in relation to COVID19. I always was into natural alternatives and I am very greatful for getting educated.

  4. Hello,
    I have never used any CBD products as I am not sure that I believe in them. Your well written article however has me re-thinking things.

  5. Apparently there is so much research going on about the CBD oil and hopefully we will get to know how to use it more effectively very soon.

    Kind Regards

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