Beginners Upper Body Kettlebell Workout – Perfect For Newbies!


Beginners Upper Body Kettlebell Workout – Perfect For Newbies!

You may have noticed over the past few years how kettlebells have become more prominent in the fitness community.

This is because professional athletes and fitness fanatics around the globe have realised just how great kettlebells are.

With one piece of equipment, being the kettlebell…

You can get a punishing workout from using them. You don’t need much space at all and having this one piece of kit will save you a serious amount of cash, rather than paying for a gym membership!

Using a light to medium weight kettlebell (which will differ depending on the individual) can really accelerate the building of strength, endurance and overall cardiovascular fitness by using a kettlebell regularly.

If you have visited the website before, you will be more than familiar with all the workouts I do here, with the bulk of them being kettlebell routines.

I love the way kettlebells move and feel as you train with them, they utilise the use of a variety of muscle groups for even one exercise and there are plenty of exercises where this is the case too.

Anyway, let’s get back to todays offering, what I have done here is go back to basics and do a workout that will be beneficial to those who haven’t used kettlebells before and that have wanted to try them out.

This workout will give you the opportunity to do so, kind of like dipping your toe in the water, but the dipping of your toe is in the kettlebell…not that this makes sense, but you get the metaphor i’m getting at hopefully? LOL!

First Day Of Class

As mentioned, this workout is aimed at those who haven’t used kettlebells before, but would still work for those who are regular users of them.

The workout isn’t very intense in the sense that it will have you burning lots of calories, its more to get you used to using the kettlebell and how it moves when being swung and flipped all over the place!

The workout has 7 classic kettlebell exercises for you to work through at your own pace, we are doing a steady amount of reps for the beginner, which will hold you in good stead for future workouts here.

This will be the first in a series of kettlebell workouts which will look to help you build reps and strength through the workouts on this website and YouTube.

The 7 exercises on offer today are as follows:

  • Swing – 15 reps
  • Windmill x 2 – 5 reps
  • Clean and press x 2 – 10 reps
  • Deadlift – 15 reps
  • One arm row x 2 – 10 reps
  • Curl, press & tricep – 10 reps
  • Chest press – 15 reps

As you can see from these above, they are all staple classic kettlebell exercises that will help you build confidence and experience over time.

This is a great upper body workout for you to start your kettlebell journey with. I am going to be adding more workouts over the coming weeks to help you along the way.

All these movements require you to twist, pivot, push and pull in the way the body is intended to, with functional exercises that will also help with your mobility also.

Mobility Training – It combines mobility exercises that increase the range of movements and motions your body can perform. These include flexibility, but also balance, pliability and strength. The full combination is the best way to avoid injury. One great thing about mobility training is its diversity.

As you know, I always recommend warming up before working out, so if you check out the video below it will take you to my 15 minute morning stretching routine.

Once you have warmed up and you are ready to go, let’s get on with the workout.

If you want to follow along in real time with this workout then please click on the image below.

If you enjoyed this, then please try some of the other workouts over at the YouTube channel.

I have the following workouts for you to try:

kettlebell workouts

Resistance Band workouts

Dumbbell workouts

Always remember that if the workout is too challenging and you’re finding it difficult to get enough rest between exercises, don’t be afraid to decrease the reps or modify the exercise to your fitness level.

If you enjoyed this workout then please check out the YouTube channel, with over 40 workouts which include the use of kettlebellsresistance bandsdumbbells and even body weight exercises too. 

If you enjoy sport and use CBD to help with your recovery in between gruelling workouts, then your are in the right place. Here at Sport CBDs, we train hard and recover the best way possible…

We have regular workouts (check out the YouTube channel), CBD news and CBD products to help you gain that edge! 

If you wanted to check out the reputable CBD we have on offer here at the site, then please head to the Sport CBDs Store. We also do fitness clothing and yoga accessories too. 

Until next time, all the best…

Lee – Sport CBDs

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Beginners Upper Body Kettlebell Workout - Are You New To Kettlebells? Must See...

Beginners Upper Body Kettlebell Workout – Are You New To Kettlebells? Must See… Every now and again it’s good to […]
Beginners Upper Body Kettlebell Workout

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