Lockdown Grooming – Top Tips For Cutting Your Own Hair

Lee 10

Lockdown Grooming – Top Tips For Cutting Your Own Hair

At the time of writing, we are currently on an unknown trajectory regarding when we will all be able to run and roam free in the streets once more. With COVID-19 still working its way so unapologetic through the human race, with its surprising resilience continuing to spread with new strains in its locker.

Essential businesses are all that is allowed to continue trading, in what seems like an endless “grounding” from your parents to remain in your house.

With this comes the hefty price of barbers, beauticians or salons being closed…which means once again, we are left to fend for ourselves with the cutting of our own hair (unless you live with one of the above).

This is the reason I decided to give my “top tips for cutting your own hair” as I decided to have a go at cutting my own…how hard could it be?

Mental Preparation

Before you take those clippers into your clammy hands, while wiping the beads of sweat off your forehead, try not to worry. I do love my hair and when its cut right, I feel like im in one of those shampoo adverts flicking my hair while the sun sets on a summer’s day. However, if my shocking attempt to cut my barnet goes terribly wrong…im more than willing to shave it all off and wait for the barbers to welcome me with open arms, once they open again.

Tools Of The Trade

All im wanting to do is trim the sides, that have me looking like Krusty the clown, while the top really only needs thinning as its looking like Worzel Gummidge (my references are a little off I know). In my eyes its not really a big job for me to pull off.

All I have to use is a bog standard set of clippers, that I use for trimming my beard, they do have different head settings and allegedly should be able to handle the job as they are meant for use on the entire body.

Buzzing Tips

The other thing I have to mention is that I am going to use my bathroom cabinet to do the back and sides, as it has mirrors on the inside of the doors, which allow me to see the back of my noggin (head).

So, shall we begin?

The most important thing you should consider when cutting your own hair is that normally at the barbers, you would have say a number 1. We have all been here and got our own set of clippers, put on the number 1 and then taken a massive chunk out of the side of your head when using. So, first piece of advice is to start high, then work your way down. This is what I have done on this occasion.

I have documented the whole thing on video if you wish to watch it below? If not please read on…

Tips for cutting your own hair
Click on image above to watch how it played out

Take A Seat Please…

I should explain how my hair looks before we start…

It’s a bog standard skin fade, that’s long enough on the top to brush and scrape back… I kind of modeled the look on a character from Deadpool 2 called “Cable”. It’s quite a sharp and clean cut with it being really short on the sides and long on the top.

I normally have a skin fade, but im being overly cautious here, so I start off with a 12mm head, just to test the water. It doesn’t come anywhere near the temple, bottom or middle of the back of my head but it does take about the right amount off at my parting. I pull the long hair on the top over to the side and clip away on both sides, buzz buzz buzz!

Then I opt for a 9mm head to hopefully blend in the top of the parting down past my temple and around the back. I grip the clippers with such intensity my knuckles are white, as if im on that roller coaster about to drop over the edge of the hill climb!

Would you believe it? The 9mm works a treat, I trim up past my ears and around the back of my head, maybe 2 – 2.5″ above my ear and all around to the other ear. So far so good and it seems to have blended OK thus far.

Don’t Panic!

Next im attaching the 7mm head, to blend in from behind my ears to the bottom of my hairline, which again is squeeky bum time due to the fact were now going to be taking a lot of hair off. I tackle the back of my head with finesse as opposed to ferocity and I seem to have got to grips literally with the clippers. They seem to be flowing on the back of my head like a conductor guiding a wonderful orchestra with its performance. The hair is being trimmed off just as a sheep has its wool sheared in the spring and all is well.

As anticipated, the 7mm works well too and I have something resembling a passable hair do, well passable enough to tell people I cut it myself and obviously at a distance of 2m (current gov guidelines for distancing) nobody is getting close enough to examine it in detail. Don’t get me wrong, its nothing to brag about but will do until the salons open.

The final piece of this haircut conundrum requires the edges and back being tidied up, this again was a slight challenge with how I am working backwards in the mirror trying to figure out how to cut the fuzzy bits at the back at the correct angle without falling at the last hurdle. Moving tentatively and slowly I manage to maneuver the clippers and finish my own haircut without any major mishaps or massive gouges out of my hair. Result!

There’s one thing I forgot…and that’s thinning the top of my mop. To do this I pulled out the thinning scissors I had bought in the first lockdown back in March 2020, but haven’t used them. I didn’t really know what I was doing here, but I kept grabbing clumps of hair and cutting into them with the scissors, pretty much all over the top of my head and decent clumps of hair were falling to the ground here. Unbelievably, I must have completely fluked the whole process, as the weight has been taken out of the top and it looks more than passable when finished.

Tips for cutting your own hair

Something For The Weekend?

If you are considering cutting your own hair or cutting someone elses, its well worth a try but can get a little intense if you consider your hair to be quite a valuable asset, it might be worth wearing a hat until the salons open. If you have found this cheeky little post helpful or you want to share your lockdown grooming tips or grooming horror stories, please feel free to do so. I was more than willing to shave the lot off had it turned into a complete hack job, but I managed to pull it off and cut my own hair!

If you want to get your hands on some clippers to have a go yourself, then click here to get yours now!

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10 thoughts on “Lockdown Grooming – Top Tips For Cutting Your Own Hair

    1. Hi Alex,

      I think there’s a lot of people out there who can sympathize with you here. As my video suggests, if you are going to use clippers always start off with a higher number than you normally get from the hair dresser and then work down.

      This prevents any massive chunks being taken out and you cant really go wrong.

      If you give it a try let me know how you get on! Good luck.

  1. Hey Lee

    Great job! I’m sure lots of locked down blokes will really appreciate this.

    I just cut my fringe recently and am over the moon with the results (the secret is to cut it when wet and leave it longer than you think it should be).

    I normally do my hubby’s hair with the clippers which I love doing as it looks so great when it’s just done but it’s easy as he as a number 1 or 0! Even I can do that.

    My top tip for anyone using clippers is to make sure to keep them oiled. They run much more easily and it extends the life of the clippers.



    1. Hi Jean,

      Thanks for the kind words here. Good work with the fringe too and thanks for the tips on keeping the clippers working. I only did this for a bit of a laugh but seem to have got away with it.

      I hope this has been of use to you and others.

      Till next time…

      Take care.

  2. Hi, Lee. I think you have done a great job. Are you sure you don´t have some hairdresser genes?

    I cut my own hair last night. I recognize the description of Crusty the Clown :-D. FOr me it is an easy task. I don´t have that much hair left, so I go for the Bruce Willis style of haircut.

    Setting the cutter to 1mm does the trick. Bu the difficult task is to see what I do cutting the hair on the backside of the head.

    I had to make do with using my mobile phone as a mirror :-D.


    1. Hi Roy,

      I hope you are well? Im not so sure its a great job, but it was good enough for me to get away with for the time being. I totally agree that the tricky part is the back of the head and working backwards. Takes you a while to get your head around it so to speak.

      Also, bravo for using the phone as a mirror…I have tried this on occasion and it was tricky to say the least!

      All the best mate.

  3. Hey Lee
    Really appreciate the useful advice. I am balding on top so I try to use my clippers to keep the hair off as I can. I miss a spot here and there which my wife would point out when she is in a good mood lol.

    I would be interested in your recommendations on how to properly mark a moustache and beard. I have a goatee of sorts. And what say you regarding nostril hairs? They begin to tickle when they get longish but they do a fair job in keeping the dust out during our dry season.


    1. Hi Hugh,

      Glad you found this post useful, even if it was a little bit of fun. You have to keep the wife in a good mood for such occurrences I’m sure haha!

      With regards to your beard request…I use a 6mm head and shave all over, this works for me but I know we are all different. With regards to the cutting in around the jaw line, I do it by touch up to my jaw and under my neck in the shower with a normal blade and then just tidy it up afterwards with my electric razor.

      Now nostril hair, this for me has become a regular thing for me as I have matured shall we say. I have a head on the electric razor which can trim the hairs and does a decent job, most of the time though I use a nostril waxing kit. This is a definite eye watering experience, but it does the job so much better than the electric razor option. Its also fascinating to see the results afterwards on the dried wax!

      Call me a weirdo I know, but this option is the most affective way of keeping those little hairs at bay for the longest time.

      Hope this has helped mate?

      All the best.

  4. Hi Lee,

    You did a very good job with the article, but also with the final result of the haircut. You look great!

    I had to do the same operation as you, but unfortunately I only stopped at the fringe. I did not dare to cut the length of my hair, to make it shorter, although that is my intention.

    By any chance, don’t you have tips for women?

    1. Hi Diana,

      I hope you are well?

      thanks for the kind words regarding my hair cutting skills, I think women’s hair is a completely different animal. Although I would think the best option if it was long, would be to get your hair wet and cut it then if your only trimming the tips.

      However, if you need something a little more advanced, I would just let it grow and just trim the fringe when wet. Apologies for the rubbish advice, I barely was able to get away with mine! haha.

      Take care.

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