Kettlebell Back Workout – Non Stop – Killer EMOM Routine!


Kettlebell Back Workout – Non Stop – Killer EMOM Routine!

If you are a kettlebell veteran (like myself), you are familiar with the type of workouts normally done with this equipment.

If you are new to kettlebells, firstly welcome and I hope you find your time here useful. Theres lots of kettlebell and CBD related information here to help you on your fitness journey.

The sight of swinging, racking and pressing are never far away and these routines work very well.

However, what if you wanted to isolate a part of the body (As body builders do) and incorporate this into one of your routines?

This was the visionary concept I had recently, after doing a YouTube video and blog post on different ways to “Bicep curl” a kettlebell.

To check out that video click on the image below.

Which brings us to where we are right now…

Flipping The Kettlebell Script

Knowing how versatile kettlebells are, makes them a crucial purchase for the home or a “must use” at the gym, with how much you can get out of one or two medium to heavy kettlebells.

You wouldn’t usually use kettlebells specifically to isolate one muscle group, as the kind of drills done with them are compound exercises, which work more than one muscle group at a time.

So why bother only working one muscle group?

Why not? You will know that you need to keep changing the way you workout frequently to help with muscle hypertrophy and not allow your workouts to go stale.

This is the perfect opportunity to mix it up and do something different.

If you are not used to using kettlebells always be aware of how kettlebells feel and move. I have written about this before, but the weight of a kettlebell is offset, which means the majority of weight is in the bell, rather than the handle.

As is the case with a dumbbell or barbell. Which makes the centre of mass sit through the handle of said piece of equipment.

Making traditional exercises feel more comfortable and balanced. Where as kettlebells can take a little bit of time to get used to.

EMOM Workouts

For the kettlebell back workouts I am doing here, I have opted for an EMOM style workout.

EMOM, or every minute on the minute workouts are a simple and effective way to put in a lot of work in a short amount of time.

An EMOM can be performed for any length of time.

This structure allows people to get creative with their workouts and easily scale them to be more difficult as your fitness level increases.

Back On Track

For this workout I have gone for a quick 5 minute blast to get the blood pumping and give you a rapid muscle pump!

The workout is non stop, as we are doing the exercise for 40 seconds, then get a 20 second break to prepare for the next exercise.

Here are the exercises in the routine here:

  • American swing
  • Lat pull down
  • Single bell Gorilla rows
  • Deadlift
  • Bent over squeezed row

This is a great quick back workout if you are pressed for time or works well as a finisher to compliment any routine you have already done.

Click on the video below to get involved with this workout.

Head Over To The Channel

If you enjoyed this, then please check out the YouTube channel, with over 60 workouts which include the use of kettlebellsresistance bandsdumbbells and even body weight exercises too. 

Don’t forget, I will be adding more workouts weekly to help you stay fit and healthy at home with just the use of a kettlebell.

With workouts of all types, for all fitness levels. You know that we have you covered, so stay tuned for more.

Keep practising this workout and increase those reps until the next workout drops in a weeks time. You won’t regret it!

If you enjoy sport and use CBD to help with your recovery in between gruelling workouts, then your are in the right place. Here at Sport CBDs, we train hard and recover the best way possible…

We have regular workouts (check out the YouTube channel), CBD news and CBD products to help you gain that edge! 

If you wanted to check out the reputable CBD we have on offer here at the site, then please head to the Sport CBDs Store. We also do fitness clothing and yoga accessories too. 

Until next time, all the best…

Beginners Upper Body Kettlebell Workout

Lee – Sport CBDs

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