CBD for Sports Recovery – Should it be Considered?

Lee 8

CBD for Sports Recovery

CBD for Sports Recovery – Should it be Considered?

Having those fond or not so fond memories of the days back in school PE lessons, when you would get “decked” as it was called or smashed to the ground like pins when getting a strike in bowling, by the school bully during a football match. The teacher would blow the whistle and tell you to “run it off” even though you knew you could easily be stretchered off to hospital in an air ambulance. A lot has changed and the possibility of using CBD for sports recovery seemed a million miles away since those dark, wet winter mornings in England.

If you are not up to speed with what CBD is and stands for, have patience and I will explain later.

Importance of Recovery in Today’s Game

Trying to compete with a badly twisted ankle or severe rotator cuff tear (your shoulder) soldiering on and grabbing that bag of peas out of the freezer onto your swallon body part have passed thankfully. Now your considered a neanderthal if you don’t have some kind of recovery schedule. So, where do we start? The obvious one is to warm up before you train and warm down afterwards. Sometimes this isn’t enough and if you have been carrying a knock, ligament damage or muscle tear, something is needed to take that edge off and paralysis away. Not only to help that bruised and battered body, but also mentally having a supplement that can help you relax is a game changer!

Sleep is a major factor and CBD oil can help greatly with this. Can you imagine if we all got 7-8 hours a night? Wouldn’t the world be different place? Not being bothered by that moron cutting you up in the other lane while driving and the silly little things that can really get to you would just – deep breath – disappear.

CBD for recovery

Physiotherapy is a must providing the injury warrants it and regular work on the injured area will increase recovery time tenfold. With CBD in your recovery program, having that elbow sunk in that bit deeper to that damaged muscle tissue because you are that bit more relaxed (and in less pain on the CBD) is only going to reduce the time needed on the recovery bed.

When training we tear the muscle fibres in our body which causes inflammation, along with aching from DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) the introduction of CBD products with the above can reduce this and you could be reaching for the dumbbells sooner than you think.

Kindergarten CBD for Newbies

This is where the water gets murky. So many elemental compounds, dosages, and articles flying around can confuse most people who are looking to try them out.

CBD for Sports Recovery
Breaking it down in the most basic form below for a newbie.

  • CBD (Cannabidiol) doesn’t get you high.

  • It is one of the main elements identified in cannabis plants – Cannabinoids

  • it doesn’t contain THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) which is the main psychoactive compound in marijuana.

  • Products can be split into three categories – full spectrum, broad spectrum and isolate.

  • There are various different strengths from 500mg to 10000mg.

There is not a standard dosage or baseline for anyone, so starting off with a lower dose is recommended (around 500 – 750mg) and its always worth seeking the advice of your doctor/GP before considering the use of products.

The Trend and Association

Everywhere you turn there are athletes using CBD products. Without name-dropping like a Hollywood wannabe, the snowball effect of endorsements by athletes and other celebrities’ means there’s no hiding the fact that people are finding it more acceptable to use such products. In the past you would have been considered a pariah had you been open about using CBD for recovery. There’s now more testimonials singing the praises of it and the anecdotal impact is another reason CBD is in the lime light.

Having very close links to that pesky marijuana plant (said as a scooby doo villain) this incestuous family member has begun to sprout in the media and gain serious momentum.

We can’t dismiss the fact there needs to be more studies done on CBD, new studies are being published all the time with varying results. Some of these could be seen as skeptical due to the companies who have financed them and the motives to which they are being done. Either way, raising awareness across the board is only a good thing and time will tell if CBDs reputation will continue to grow (pun intended).

CBD for Sports Recovery

What Products to Choose?

With such a plethora of items on the market it can be difficult to decide on which to use. It does seem to be a lottery when trying to choose a product for recovery. Its worth mentioning that everyone can react differently when using certain products. First and foremost its worth deciding if you want an Indigestible or topical product.

Digestible – capsules, edibles and tinctures.

Topical – skin or hair products.

Next decide on the strength of the above, this is more for indigestible products. Remember to start off small and then judge how it feels and affects you. Remember to always read the label and take the recommended dosage.

Hopefully soon you will start to feel less pain and over time feel a lot of pain relief, not just on the ailment but increased amounts of sleep may happen.

Benefits of CBD for Athletes

The benefits of CBD for athletes have gained attention due to its potential in aiding recovery and enhancing performance. CBD products, such as oils and broad-spectrum formulations, interact with the endocannabinoid system, influencing physiological mechanisms like inflammation, pain relief, and mood regulation.

Evidence from systematic reviews and narrative review articles suggest that CBD may reduce muscle damage, oxidative stress, and pain, while supporting sleep and immune system function. As a result, athletes can experience improved muscle recovery, better sleep, and reduced reliance on opioids or NSAIDs for pain management. However, more research is needed to fully understand CBD’s therapeutic potential and optimal use in sports recovery.

Legality and Prevalence of CBD Use Among Athletes

The legality and prevalence of CBD use among athletes have been a topic of interest in recent times, as more athletes turn to CBD for recovery and pain management. CBD products, derived from hemp and containing minimal THC levels, are legally available in many countries, allowing athletes to access the potential benefits without risking violation of prohibited substance regulations.

Professional and elite athletes are increasingly using CBD for muscle recovery, inflammation reduction, and better sleep, as scientific evidence emerges to support these effects. However, it is essential for athletes to remain informed about the evolving regulations and potential risks associated with CBD use, as future research continues to explore its therapeutic potential and safety in sports.

Alternative to NSAIDs and Opioids

CBD has emerged as a potential alternative to NSAIDs and opioids for athletes seeking relief from pain and inflammation. With evidence from systematic reviews and narrative articles highlighting its potential benefits, CBD products, such as oils and broad-spectrum formulations, offer a safer option for pain management in sports.

Interacting with the endocannabinoid system, CBD may aid muscle recovery, reduce inflammation, and improve sleep quality. Athletes using CBD can potentially avoid the risks associated with opioids and NSAIDs, while still benefiting from pain relief and improved performance.

As research continues to explore CBD’s therapeutic potential, it is likely to gain further acceptance as a viable alternative in sports recovery and pain management.

Full Spectrum CBD+THC Formula and High Potency Delta THC+CBD Formula

Full Spectrum CBD+THC Formula and High Potency Delta THC+CBD Formula are emerging options for athletes seeking recovery support and pain relief. These products combine the benefits of CBD and THC, providing a more comprehensive approach to interacting with the endocannabinoid system.

The synergistic effects of cannabinoids in these formulas may enhance pain management, reduce inflammation, and promote better sleep, essential for athletes’ performance and workout recovery. However, the presence of THC in these products can pose risks for professional athletes, as it remains a prohibited substance in many sports.

It is crucial for athletes to carefully evaluate the potential benefits and risks of using these full-spectrum and high-potency formulas, and to stay informed on the evolving regulations surrounding cannabis use in sports.

Post-Workout Pain is Inevitable: Why is Recovery So Painful?

Post-workout pain is an inevitable part of athletic training and performance, often resulting from muscle damage, inflammation, and oxidative stress induced by strenuous exercise. The recovery process can be painful due to the body’s physiological mechanisms working to repair tissues and maintain homeostasis.

Many athletes turn to pain management options like NSAIDs, opioids, and more recently, CBD products, to alleviate discomfort and expedite recovery. CBD oil, for example, interacts with the endocannabinoid system, providing support through pain relief, reduced inflammation, and better sleep.

As scientific evidence continues to grow, CBD may become a more widely accepted option for athletes seeking relief and enhanced recovery after intense workouts.

CBD Oil and Muscle Recovery in Practice

CBD oil is gaining traction among athletes for its potential role in muscle recovery, with evidence supporting its ability to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and promote better sleep. By interacting with the endocannabinoid system, CBD may aid the body’s physiological mechanisms to repair muscle damage and maintain homeostasis, crucial for effective exercise recovery.

As athletes incorporate CBD oil into their routines, they may experience benefits such as faster recovery times, improved mood, and overall enhanced performance. With an increasing body of research, CBD oil is likely to become a more widely recognized and accepted tool for supporting muscle recovery in the world of sports.

How Does CBD Oil Work?

CBD oil works by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system, a complex network of receptors and chemical messengers that regulate various physiological processes such as pain, inflammation, and sleep. CBD, a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis plants, binds to CB2 receptors within the immune and nervous systems, helping to modulate pain and inflammation.

This interaction can provide support to athletes during workout recovery, reducing muscle pain and related fatigue. Moreover, CBD oil can influence mood and sleep, promoting a more restful state for optimal muscle recovery. As scientific evidence accumulates, CBD oil is becoming a popular alternative to traditional pain management options, with potential benefits for athletes seeking relief and enhanced performance.

Start a CBD Regimen Today

Starting a CBD regimen today can offer numerous benefits for athletes seeking improved recovery, pain management, and overall well-being. CBD oil, derived from cannabis plants, interacts with the endocannabinoid system to provide support for the body’s physiological mechanisms, including inflammation, sleep, and mood regulation.

By using CBD products, athletes can potentially enhance muscle recovery and reduce exercise-induced pain, all while avoiding the side effects associated with traditional NSAIDs and opioids. As scientific evidence continues to emerge, more athletes are turning to CBD as a natural, therapeutic aid for optimal performance and recovery.

Consult with a healthcare professional to find the right CBD product and dosage for your needs and start reaping the benefits of this powerful, natural option today.

How Can I Get Started with CBD?

To get started with CBD, it’s essential to first understand the potential benefits it can offer athletes, such as enhanced muscle recovery, pain relief, and improved sleep quality. Begin by reviewing scientific literature on CBD, including systematic reviews and narrative review articles, to gather evidence on its effectiveness and safety.

Next, explore the range of CBD products available, such as CBD oil, full-spectrum, and broad-spectrum options. Consult with a healthcare professional or sports medicine expert to determine the appropriate product, dosage, and administration routine for your individual needs and fitness level.

Keep in mind that CBD use is not without risk, so be aware of prohibited substances and potential interactions with other medications. By taking a well-informed approach to incorporating CBD into your regimen, you can maximize its therapeutic potential and support your athletic performance and recovery.

Conclusion: The Benefits of CBD for Sports Recovery

In conclusion, CBD has shown promising potential as an ergogenic aid for sports recovery, with numerous benefits for athletes, such as reducing inflammation, managing pain, and improving sleep quality. The endocannabinoid system plays a vital role in regulating physiological mechanisms, and CBD can help maintain homeostasis by interacting with CB2 receptors.

Scientific evidence from systematic reviews, narrative review articles, and preclinical studies highlights CBD’s therapeutic potential in exercise recovery, pain management, and mood regulation. With a variety of CBD products available, such as full-spectrum CBD oil and broad-spectrum options, athletes can tailor their CBD intake to support their training routine and fitness level.

While more research is needed to fully understand CBD’s role in sports recovery, incorporating CBD as part of a well-informed regimen can be a valuable option for athletes seeking relief and support in their recovery process.

Is There a Future?

Looking into my CBD crystal ball it will become more common practice not just for athletes but the general public to use CBD for sports recovery. Used with a good dose of sleep and rehab, there’s no reason you can’t be back in action days if not weeks sooner than you thought.

CBD for Sports Recovery

Manufacturers are also jumping on the bandwagon, making food and drink with CBD extracts. It seems like CBD is here to stay for a while yet, with the buzz and all the other health benefits becoming known with clinical trials, maybe the myths and old stereotypes could evaporate like fog on a brisk morning, allowing the many fields of plants growing/extracting CBD to face an interesting and exciting future.

Please don’t forget to check out other posts and YouTube Channel (don’t forget to subscribe) for the latest health and fitness news, CBD news, along with product reviewsmeditationsrecipesworkouts and if you require any CBD for you post workout therapy needs, please take a look at our store to get hold of yours now.

8 thoughts on “CBD for Sports Recovery – Should it be Considered?

  1. How much significant research has been done on the benefits of using CBD products for recovery from sports injury to date?

    1. There have been studies, but there definitely needs to be more. Research is being carried out all the time and this can only be a good thing for CBDs reputation.

  2. Interesting topic. CBD from an outsiders perspective is blowing up, everywhere I turn there CBD is popping up, from the Vape store to the gas station convenience store. There is still a stigma attached to it, especially with people from my generation and older. Posts like this and others that de-mystify the checkered past, explain away the myths and highlight the benefits are helpful. Thank you for the post


    1. You are right Bob, CBD is gaining momentum but its worth noting not all of it is legitimate.

      People have to be careful what they buy as not all manufacturers comply to regulations.

      Speak soon

    1. There can be negative side effects like nausea and headaches from taking CBD. These cases are rare and remember everybody reacts differently. Theres no difference if its added to food or taken as a food.

      This depends on the individuals allergies and health.


  3. There is strong evidence to support the notion that sports-related injuries need formal treatment. I mean, everything doesn’t repair by itself.
    I am a gymnast and I haqve carried those early injuries into my life now. But if sports medicine had been developed as it is now, I would probably have been better off today.
    CBD is a great reliever for sports pains.
    Aparna B

    1. Hi,

      I completely agree that sports related injuries do require proper physiotherapy to help people recover from whatever injury they have. CBD for sports recovery has been known to help people with dealing with the pain they feel, as well as helping with sleep and mood. Im the same as you, I still carry knocks and injuries from the past, had things been different back then things may have been different and I could have been walking around injury free. However, CBD can help those to compliment the treatment they are getting.

      thank you.

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