Why Are Dips Harder Than Push Ups? Everything You Need To Know For Rapid Results

Why are dips harder than push ups?

Why Are Dips Harder Than Push Ups? Everything You Need To Know For Rapid Results

You may have started your fitness journey recently, or you may have been working out for some time.

However, if you’re anything like most people, there’s one thing that always seems to be mentioned.

That is “why are dips harder than push ups”.

Why is this? Well, there are a few reasons…

Why are dips harder than push ups?

There are a couple of reasons that dips might be considered more difficult than pushups. First, when doing dips, your body is supporting more of your weight since your feet are not on the ground. Second, the range of motion for dips is greater than for pushups, meaning that you have to lower yourself further down in order to complete the exercise. Finally, the triceps muscle group is used more during dips than during pushups, so you may feel more fatigue in your arms when doing dips. Ultimately, the difficulty of these two exercises comes down to personal preference and fitness level.

Lifting your entire weight

When doing dips, your feet are not on the ground like they would be during a push-up.

This means that your arms and chest are supporting your entire body weight. If you weigh more, this will be more difficult.

When doing dips you are in effect lifting 90-95% of your total body weight, compared to the 60-70% when doing a push-up.

This makes dips a great exercise for building strength and toning your muscles, but it also means they can be more difficult than push-ups.

Greater range of motion

The range of motion for dips is also greater than for push ups. This means that you have to lower your body further down in order to complete the exercise.

This can be more difficult because it requires more strength and control. If you have weak triceps, this may make dips more difficult for you.

Why are dips harder than push ups?

Using different muscles

The triceps muscle group is used more during dips than during push ups. The triceps are located on the back of your upper arm, and they help to extend the elbow.

This means that when you are doing dips, your triceps have to work harder than they would during a push-up. This can lead to more fatigue in your arms and may make dips more difficult for you.

Angle of torso

The angle of your body is different when doing dips than when you are doing push ups.

When doing dips, your body is more horizontal, which means it is angled so that you are pretty much in an upright position. This can be more difficult because it puts more pressure on your wrist and shoulders.

It can also be difficult to balance yourself when your body is in this position. If you are new to exercise, or if you have weak muscles, this may make dips more difficult for you.

Fighting gravity

When you are doing a dip, you are fighting against gravity the whole time.

This implies that in order to maintain your body in the correct posture and lift your entire body weight, your muscles must work harder than usual.

If you’re not used to working out or don’t have strong muscles, dips might be harder for you.

Balance requires extra effort

When doing dips, your body has to be in a balanced position the whole time.

This means that your muscles have to work harder in order to keep your body in the correct position, as well as lifting your entire body weight too.

With push ups your feet are on the ground, so it’s easier to keep your body balanced and aligned. This may make push ups seem easier than dips.

If you are new to exercise, or if you have weak muscles, this may make dips more difficult for you.

Ultimately, the difficulty of these two exercises comes down to personal preference and fitness level.

Primary and secondary movers

During a dip, your triceps are the primary mover and your pecs are the secondary mover.

This is the opposite of a push-up, where your pecs are the primary mover and your triceps are the secondary mover.

This means that if you want to focus on your pecs, push-ups may be a better option. If you want to focus on your triceps, dips may be a better option.

It also means that if you have weak triceps, dips may be more difficult for you than push-ups.

More force is required 

Dips require more force than push-ups, which means your muscles have to work harder.

This is because you are lifting your entire body weight, fighting against gravity and the range of motion is greater.

This also ties into the previous point about different muscles being used. If your triceps are weak, this may make dips more difficult for you.

When doing push ups, your body is angled so that you are pretty much in a prone position (face down) with your feet on the floor. So the force required is not as great as it is for dips.

This may make push ups seem easier than dips. However, if you have weak triceps, this may make push ups more difficult for you.

Body is stabilised and supported only through arms 

Another difference between these two exercises is that your body is stabilised and supported only through your arms when doing dips.

This can be more difficult than push ups, where your feet are on the ground and help to stabilise your body.

If you have any muscle imbalances or weaknesses in your arms, this may make dips more difficult for you.

One other way you can help improve your dips would be to use resistance bands or a dip machine. This can help take some of the body weight and make it easier on your arms.

You can also try doing assisted dips, where someone holds your legs as you do the dip. This will also help to reduce the amount of body weight you are lifting, but may also look comical to onlookers at the same time.

Hard on shoulder joints and wrists 

Dips put a lot of strain on your shoulders and wrists. This is because when you are doing a dip, your body weight is being supported only by your arms.

Your wrists have to bear the brunt of this weight, which can be painful if you have any wrist problems or if you are not used to doing this exercise.

Push ups are also hard on your wrists, but since your feet are on the ground, there is some support for your wrists.

If you have any wrist problems, you may want to avoid doing dips or be very careful when doing them.

Why are dips harder than push ups?

You don’t have enough shoulder mobility 

Dips require good shoulder mobility, so if you don’t have enough shoulder mobility, this may make dips more difficult for you.

One way to improve your shoulder mobility is to do regular stretching and warm-up exercises before you do dips and any exercise in general.

Having an injured rotator cuff or other shoulder problems may also make dips difficult for you.

Having less mobility in your shoulders may also make general daily movements difficult, such as reaching for something or combing your hair.

You may want to avoid doing dips if you have any shoulder pain or problems and it is always best to consult with a doctor or physical therapist before doing dips.

You have a weak core

If you have a weak core, dips may be difficult for you.

Your core is what stabilises your body and keeps you upright, so if it is weak, you might find it difficult to remain balanced for the duration of the exercise.

Having a strong core is crucial for this exercise in particular due to the fact you are lifting your entire body weight and only have your arms to support you.

If you want to improve your dips, focus on exercises that will help to strengthen your core. These include sit-ups, crunches, and planks.

You are not used to the exercise 

If you are not used to doing dips or any sort of weight-bearing exercise, this may make dips more difficult.

Start with a smaller number of repetitions and work your way up as you get used to the exercise.

Make sure you are concentrating on doing the exercise with the correct form before you add weight or increase the number of repetitions.

Poor form is also more likely to make dips harder, especially if you are new to training or doing dips.

Poor form may also lead to injuries, so it is important to focus on doing the exercise correctly, only if it means doing a couple of reps, to begin with using equipment that reduces the weight you are trying to lift.

The use of a resistance band or a dip machine helps take some of the body weight and makes it easier on your arms.

If you have any injuries, pain, or muscle imbalances, this may make dips more difficult for you. It is always best to consult with a doctor or physical therapist before starting any new exercise routine.

Final thoughts…

Dips can be a great exercise for building upper body strength, but they are not without their challenges.

If you have any injuries, pain, or muscle imbalances, this may make dips more difficult for you. It is always best to consult with a doctor or physical therapist before starting any new exercise routine.

If you want to improve your dips, focus on strengthening your core and shoulders and work on your form. Start with a smaller number of repetitions and work your way up as you get used to the exercise.

If you have any wrist problems, you may want to avoid doing dips or be very careful when doing them.

Having less mobility in your shoulders may also make general daily movements difficult, such as reaching for something or washing your hair.

Hopefully, this article has given you some insights into why dips might be difficult for you and how you can overcome these challenges.

Do you find dips harder than push ups and has this post helped you? Let me know in the comments below.

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Beginners Upper Body Kettlebell Workout


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