Simple Vegan Recipes – Chocolate Protein Slices

Lee 6

After changing my diet over to a plant based one recently, being able to tweak the ways in which I eat, think about and cook food have been interesting.

The biggest thing for me was supplementing the high protein meat heavy meals and snacks that I am accustomed to. Simple vegan recipes can be difficult to come by and when switching to a plant based diet some recipes can wipe out your evening or weekend with all the prep involved, so one recipe I came across, which I now prepare weekly for my morning snack attack was one I thought was worth sharing.

Simple vegan recipes


The plant based chocolate protein bar!

Click on the image above to follow along with the recipe. 

This tasty and delightful snack takes around 10 minutes to prep, which is not going to take up too much of your precious time. It boasts around 20g of protein per slice, again this statistic is great for those protein monsters out there and a full batch will give you around 8-10 servings, which should keep you out of trouble for the week.

You could have a slice for breakfast or as I do, enjoy it with a brew every day while on the daily grind at work. To keep things ultra simple we will be using “cups” as measurements here. A bog standard coffee cup will do.


2 cups (200-250g) dates (pitted and chopped)

1 1/2 cup (450ml) warm water

3 cups 900ml porridge

1/3 cups cocoa powder

1 ripe banana

1 1/2 cups of walnuts

1/3 cup of unflavored hemp protein powder

Easy Peasy

The only bit of kit you will need for this recipe is a food processor and a baking tray. I have opted for the ninja blender, which works brilliant for every requirement, from chopping veg to blending. To get yours click on the image below.



Nutritional info per serving:


Calories – 425

Protein – 20g

Total fat – 14.2g

Carbs – 55g

Fiber – 12g

Sugars – 23g

Sodium – 3.5g

Directions… You Can’t Go Wrong

  1. Chop up all the dates and then soak them in the warm water for 25 minutes.
  1. Lay grease proof paper on a baking tray that’s around 1cm deep.
  1. Put the soaked dates in the food processor, blend, then add the other ingredients and mix to a good thick consistency.
  1. Spread mix onto the baking tray and put in fridge to set for around an hour. Then slice up and enjoy.

Simple vegan recipes

Food For Thought

If you keep the slices refrigerated they should last a week, don’t do what I did the first time and leave them in drawer at office. By the end of the week they were furrier than next doors cat.

If you are on a plant based diet and have tried this recipe, I would love to hear your thoughts. Please comment below.

I will be adding more recipes in the coming weeks, so stay tuned for that. Until then, happy snacking.

To get your Ninja food processor CLICK HERE NOW!

To get your Under Armour attire CLICK HERE NOW!

To get your Hemp Protein Powder CLICK HERE NOW!


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6 thoughts on “Simple Vegan Recipes – Chocolate Protein Slices

  1. It’s good to know that this recipe only takes 10 mins in the morning, and it seems easy to make. Will love to do some experiments with other ingredients to mix & match.

    I cannot wait for more recipes from you.


    1. Hi Matt,

      Thats a great shout…to mix and match the ingredients to find what works for you. Let me know what you come up with.

      Now im getting peckish!

      Speak soon.

  2. Hi Lee

    This is great, thanks – even I could make it! Would swap the walnuts for hazelnuts (or almonds) but otherwise it’s a winner. Also a bit of a change from cocao coconut balls for me!



    1. Hi Jean,

      Hope you are well?
      Honestly, this recipe is so easy to follow and they taste wonderful. Watch this space for more plant based snacks and meals.

  3. This looks like a super easy but yummy recipe to try. I will try it out as I have all the ingredients available at home. I also have the Nutri ninja and I can’t say enough how brilliant this piece of gadget ii! I highly recommend it.

    1. Hi Habib,

      Im not just saying this but the Ninja is an awesome piece of kit. Its well worth investing in one if your in the market for a food processor. Click on the link now!

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