Cant Do Diamond Push Ups? 10 Hacks And Tips To Perfection
Push ups are one of the most popular exercises anyone can do and you don’t need much space to do them, and you can easily increase the number of reps and strength in your chest.
However, when it comes to diamond push ups, it’s a completely different story.
As they can be very challenging to the point of not even being able to do one!
Let’s look at why this might be the case and look at ways to get you doing them confidently.
Reasons Why You Can’t Do Diamond Push Ups?
If you can’t do diamond pushups, don’t worry, there are a few reasons why this might be the case. First, your strength might not be enough to do the exercise. If you’re not strong enough, you won’t be able to push yourself up. Work on strengthening the muscles used in the movement to give you a better chance of being able to do them. Your range of motion could be limited and a way to improve this is to have your hands in the regular position for a push up, then move your hands closer together over time to a point where your range of motion allows for the movement. If you can’t move your arms back far enough, you won’t be able to reach the ground in the correct position. Also, look to improving your regular push up output in the meantime to build strength and reps. Then over some time, you will be able to do diamond push ups without any issues.
What are diamond push ups? How do they work?
Diamond push ups are a chest exercise that primarily works the triceps. To do them, you need to get into the regular push up position but with your hands close together so that your index fingers and thumbs touch, forming a diamond shape.
From there, lower yourself down to the ground and then push back up to the starting position.
The key is to keep your body in a straight line from your head to your heels and not let your hips sag down or pop up.
Diamond push ups benefits
Diamond push ups are a great exercise for strengthening the chest and triceps.
They can also help improve your posture and can be done anywhere, making them a convenient exercise to do.
How to do diamond push ups…
Now that we know the benefits of diamond push ups and some of the reasons why you might not be able to do them, let’s look at how you can get better at them. Here are 10 tips and hacks to help you with your diamond push up journey:
1. Increase Your Strength With Other Exercises
Diamond push ups are a more challenging variation to the standard push up, as they use the triceps muscles and core strength more.
If you can’t do diamond push ups, there are other exercises you can do to increase your strength. You can try doing regular pushups, tricep dips, or shoulder presses. By doing other exercises and building strength, you will be better able to do diamond pushups eventually.
Also finding and isolating weak muscles can help as well. If you can identify a muscle that is weaker than the others, work on strengthening it through other exercises or stretches. This will help give you the extra boost you need to be able to do diamond pushups.
Also, don’t overlook your core muscles because they might not be strong enough. To work on this, try doing some core exercises like sit-ups, crunches, or planks. By strengthening you’re core, you will be better able to do the exercise.
2. Improve Your Range Of Motion With Stretching
If you can’t move your arms back far enough, try doing some shoulder stretches.
This will help improve your range of motion and eventually allow you to do the exercise.
An easy stretch you can do is to put your arms behind your back and interlace your fingers.
Then, try to straighten your arms and hold the stretch for 30 seconds. This will help loosen up your shoulder muscles and improve your range of motion.
3. Do The Exercise Slower
If you can’t do the exercise quickly, try doing it slowly and with control.
More focus should be placed on the quality of the movement rather than the speed.
By going slowly, you can ensure that you are doing the exercise correctly and not using momentum to cheat.
When doing diamond push ups, it is important to keep your elbows close to your body.
If your elbows are flaring out, it puts more strain on your shoulder joints and makes the exercise harder.
So, make sure to keep your elbows close to your sides and tuck them in as you lower yourself down.
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4. Increase Number Of Reps Gradually
If you can only do a few diamond pushups, start by doing a few and then increase your reps each day.
By gradually increasing your reps, you will allow your body to adapt and see muscle growth.
Eventually, you will be able to do more reps as your strength increases.
This push up variation is tougher than a traditional push up, so make sure you increase your reps slowly and don’t overdo it.
5. Do Partial Reps
Try doing a partial rep by only going down halfway. This can help you build up the strength needed to do a full diamond push up.
Start in the standard push up position and then lower yourself down until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle.
Hold this here for a second before pushing back up to the starting position.
Doing this may allow you to do a few more reps and build up the strength needed to do a full push up.
6. Do Negative Part To Build Strength
If you can’t do the exercise, try doing a negative or eccentric only version.
To do this, start in the push up position and then lower yourself down slowly.
Take 3-5 seconds to lower yourself down. Once you are at the bottom, push back up to the starting position.
Doing negatives can help build the strength needed to do the exercise.
7. Hand Position Mechanics
If you are struggling to get your thumbs touching and finding the diamond position difficult, move your hands closer together over some time.
By gradually moving your hands closer together, you can increase the range of motion and make it easier to do the exercise.
A close grip push up is a variation of the classic push up. The only difference is that your hands are placed closer together.
Doing these will be a significant benefit and help you get closer to doing diamond push ups correctly.
This is a savvy strategy because it can help you work up to the standard diamond pushup position.
8. Try An Easier Variation
If you’re still struggling to do diamond pushups, try doing them on your knees or against a wall.
Doing them on your knees can take some of the weight off your arms and make the exercise easier.
If you do them against a wall, it can help you keep good form and ensure that you are doing the exercise correctly.
You can then use a bench or chair to make the exercise a bit harder.
Don’t forget about your foot placement, widening your stance will make it easier to balance and give you more stability, as opposed to having feet together, as this is half the challenge, consider this if you are doing the variation on your knees.
The correct muscle activation can make all the difference when trying to do any type of push-up, so make sure you focus on using the right muscles.
Once you can do these variations easily, try doing regular diamond pushups again.
9. Form Is Everything
When doing any type of push-up, form is key.
If you can’t do diamond pushups with good form, you won’t be able to do them at all.
Make sure that you keep your body tight and your back straight throughout the exercise.
Also, be sure to lower yourself down slowly and with control.
If you can’t do the exercise with good form, it’s better to try an easier variation or scale back the reps until you can do them correctly.
The anterior deltoid, or front shoulder muscle, is the primary muscle worked during diamond pushups.
The triceps, pectoralis major, and serratus anterior are also worked during this exercise.
Form a diamond shape with your hands by placing them close together and tucking your thumbs in.
Keep your elbows close to your sides as you lower yourself down to the floor.
Stop when your elbows are at a 90-degree angle and then push back up to the starting position.
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10. Patience And Perseverance
Remember that it takes time to build up the strength and skill to do diamond pushups.
With patience and perseverance, you can overcome these challenges and eventually be able to do diamond pushups with ease.
Start by trying an easier variation and then gradually work your way up to the full exercise.
Final Thoughts…
Some common mistakes people make when trying to do diamond pushups are not using the correct form, not activating the right muscles, and not being patient.
However, following some of the tips here will get you on the road to success in no time.
To start with this movement may make your muscles feel weak, however, with time and practice, you can develop the strength needed to do diamond pushups with ease.
Work on improving the right muscle groups required for this exercise, along with a little patience, and you’ll see big improvements in no time.