Why Do Bent Over Rows Hurt My Lower Back? Important Tips To Relieve The Pain
When it comes to working out, there are a lot of different exercises that you can do in order to target different muscle groups.
One such exercise is the bent over row, which is great for targeting your back muscles. However, some people find that this exercise can cause lower back pain.
Which leaves you asking the question, why do bent over rows hurt my lower back? In this post, we will discuss why this might be the case and how you can avoid it.
Why do bent over rows hurt my lower back?
The most common reason why bent over rows can hurt your lower back is due to improper form. When performing the exercise, be sure to keep your back straight and your core engaged the entire time. Additionally, try not to arch your lower back as you row the weight up; this puts unnecessary strain on the spine. You might be pulling the weight up at the wrong angle or your hip hinge requires attention. If you are rolling your shoulders or rounding your back, these can all add to lower back problems. Let’s not forget the biggest problem people have when doing any type of lifting is going too heavy, this will lead you to use poor form and may cause an injury. If you find that you still experience lower back pain, you can always try an alternative exercise such as dumbbell rows, seated rows or even lat pulldowns.
Not engaging core
One of the main reasons why people experience lower back pain when doing bent over rows is because they are not engaging their core muscles properly.
Your core muscles are responsible for stabilizing your spine, and if they are not properly engaged, it can lead to lower back pain. Be sure to engage your core muscles the entire time you are performing the exercise, and focus on keeping your spine in a neutral position.
If you find that you are still experiencing lower back pain, you can try placing a stability ball between your legs and squeezing it as you row the weight up. This will help to engage your core muscles even more.
If you have a weaker core, it will put more strain on your lower back. It’s important to focus on building up your core strength in order to avoid lower back pain when doing bent over rows or any other type of exercise.
Work on improving your core by doing exercises such as planks, sit-ups, and deadlifts.
Going too heavy
Bent over row lower back pain is common and can happen quite often when people use too much weight.
If you are using too much weight, it can put a strain on your lower back and cause pain. It is important to use a weight that you can handle without compromising your form.
We all natually want to lift as heavy as possible, but sometimes going too heavy can lead to injury. If you find that you are struggling to keep good form when using a certain weight, it is time to reduce the amount of weight you are using.
It is always better to focus on using good form and using a lighter weight than to try and lift too heavy and risk injuring yourself.
Simply increase the number of reps you do with good form, then gradually add weight once you’ve got better at it.
A good range to aim for when doing bent over rows is 8-12 reps, before moving up the weight.
Pulling weight at wrong angle
Another contributing factor to lower back pain during bent over rows is incorrect weightlifting angle.
When performing the exercise, be sure to keep your back straight and pull the weight up at a 90-degree angle. If you are pulling the weight up at an angle that is too low or too high, it can put a strain on your lower back and cause pain.
Focus on keeping good form and pulling the weight up at a 90-degree angle in order to avoid lower back pain.
What this translates to is pulling the weight towards your abdominal region and not your chest. If you are lifting towards your chest, this will cause lower back pain as you are in effect “top-heavy” and your lower back is having to work extremely hard to keep everything in position.
The bar should run parallel with your thighs as you pull it up and your elbows should be close to your sides.
If you are still experiencing lower back pain, you can try doing the exercise with a dumbbell in each hand. This will help to keep your back more in line and reduce the strain on your lower back.
Use a weight that you can handle and focus on keeping good form. As you get stronger, you can gradually increase the amount of weight you are using.
Related: Don’t Feel Dumbbell Rows In Your Back? 10 Vital Pointers For Better Results
Hip hinge requires attention
If you experience lower back pain when doing bent over rows, it could be because your hip hinge needs attention.
Your hip hinge is the movement that happens at your hips when you bend over. If your hip hinge is not correct, it can lead to lower back pain when doing bent over rows or any other type of exercise.
This is because you are bending from your lower back and not hinging with your hips. This is also a common fault when people first start doing kettlebell swings, as you need to hinge with your hips and not bend from your lower back.
You may have to conscientiously do this movement, as it may have been lost naturally as you have developed bad habits over time.
Focus on moving from your hips and not your lower back when doing any type of hinge movement.
To ensure proper hip hinge, start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Then, bend at your hips and lower your torso until it is parallel with the ground.
Your knees should be slightly bent and you should keep your back straight throughout the movement.
Once you have reached the parallel position, reverse the movement and return to standing.
Focus on keeping good form and ensuring that your hip hinge is correct. This will help to avoid lower back pain when doing bent over rows.
Breathing habits
Breathing correctly is important for any type of exercise, but it is especially important when doing bent over rows.
If you are not breathing correctly, it can lead to lower back pain. This is because you are not getting enough oxygen to your muscles and they are not able to work correctly.
When doing bent over rows, be sure to breathe in as you lower the weight down and breathe out as you raise the weight up.
This will help to ensure that you are getting enough oxygen to your muscles and will help to avoid lower back pain.
Not only this but breathing correctly does help stabilise your torso and keeps the movement more fluid.
If you are breathing sporadically your not only going to get lower back pain but you will also increase the chances of getting lightheaded and passing out.
This works in conjunction with keeping a solid core and good form. So, not only will breathing correctly help to avoid lower back pain, but it will also help you to perform the exercise correctly.
Neutral spine
When doing bent over rows, it is important to keep a flat back. This means that you should not round your spine at any point during the exercise.
If you round your spine, it can lead to lower back pain as you are putting unnecessary strain on your lower back.
To keep a flat back, focus on maintaining good form and keeping your core engaged. This will help to keep your spine in alignment and will help to avoid lower back pain.
Also, don’t forget to hinge from the hips and not bend from the lower back. This will help to keep your spine in a neutral position and will also help to avoid lower back pain.
If you find that you are rounding your spine, try using a lighter weight until you are able to maintain good form.
You may also want to try doing the exercise with no weight at first until you are able to maintain good form until you get the hang of it.
And lastly, make sure that you are not curving your spine too much the other way. As this too will put a strain on your lower back, you should still have a slight curve in your lower back but not to the point of really sticking your bottom in the air.
If you arch your back too much, it can also lead to lower back pain. So, focus on keeping a flat back, with a slight curve in your lower back.
Rolling shoulders
It’s crucial to keep your shoulders pinned back while performing bent-over rows.
If your shoulders are rolled forward, it can lead to lower back pain as you are putting unnecessary strain on your lower back.
To keep your shoulders rolled back, focus on maintaining good form and keeping your core engaged. This will help to keep your shoulders in alignment and will help to avoid lower back pain.
Also, make sure that you are not shrugging your shoulders during the exercise. This can also lead to lower back pain as you are again, putting unnecessary stress on it.
Not engaging scapula
When performing bent-over rows, it’s critical to use your scapula. If you do not engage your scapula, it can lead to lower back pain as you are not stabilising your shoulder blade correctly.
To engage your scapula, focus on lifting the weight from your elbows and not your hands. This will help to ensure that you are using your scapula and not just your arms to lift the weight.
Don’t forget to maintain good form and keep your core engaged. This will help to keep your shoulder blade in alignment and will help to avoid lower back pain.
Keep your head up
If you drop your head down, it can lead to lower back pain as you are putting unnecessary strain on your lower back.
To keep your head up, focus on keeping your chin parallel to the floor. This will help to keep your head in alignment with your spine and will help to avoid lower back pain.
Also, make sure that you are not craning your neck to look up at the weight. This can also lead to lower back pain as you are again, putting unnecessary stress on it.
So, focus on keeping your head up and your chin parallel to the floor. This will help to keep your spine in alignment and will help you to avoid lower back pain.
Related: Why Do I Feel Rows In My Biceps? All The Answers For Rapid Progress
Feet positioning
When performing bent-over rows, it’s important to have your feet in the correct position.
If your feet are too close together, it can lead to lower back pain as you are not giving yourself a solid base.
To have your feet in the correct position, focus on having your feet hip-width apart. This will help to ensure that you have a solid base and will help to avoid lower back pain.
Also, make sure that you have your feet pointing straight ahead. This will help to keep your knees in alignment and will also help to avoid any knee or lower back pain.
Lower back pain can be caused by wearing unsuitable footwear.
To avoid this, focus on wearing shoes that have good support. This will help to ensure that your feet are in the correct position and will also help to avoid any knee pain.
Also, make sure that you are not wearing shoes with high heels. This can lead to lower back pain as you are again, not giving yourself a solid base.
Not bending knees
Remember to bend your knees when doing bent over rows because if you don’t, you risk lower back discomfort since you aren’t relieving the pressure on your lower back.
Your knees act as a shock absorber and by not bending them, you are putting all the strain on your lower back and putting your knees at the risk of injury.
Locking your knee joints can be very dangerous and is something that should be avoided.
To avoid this, focus on keeping your knees soft and bent throughout the exercise. This will help to take the strain off your lower back and will also help to avoid any knee pain.
Your grip
Having the incorrect grip can lead indirectly to lower back pain.
If you grip the bar too wide, it can lead to lower back pain as you are not giving yourself a stable base.
To have the correct grip, focus on having your hands shoulder-width apart. This will help to ensure that you have a stable base and will also help to avoid any lower back pain.
Also, make sure that you are not gripping the bar too tightly. This can lead to lower back pain as you are again, not giving yourself a stable base and you will be full of tension.
So, focus on having a relaxed grip and ensure that your hands are shoulder-width apart. This will help to provide a stable base and will also help to avoid any lower back pain.
Final thoughts…
So, there you have it. These are some of the main reasons why bent over rows can hurt your lower back.
Remember to keep these points in mind when performing the exercise and focus on having good form which is crucial for avoiding lower back pain.
This will help to ensure that you are not putting unnecessary strain on your lower back and will help you to avoid any lower back pain.
If you are still experiencing lower back pain, then it’s advisable to seek medical advice. There could be an underlying cause that needs to be addressed.
More than likely, however, the pain is due to incorrect form and can be alleviated by following the tips above.
Have bent over rows hurt your lower back recently? Let me know in the comments below.