Muscle Mechanics: Why Are Pull-Ups Harder Than Push-Ups?

why are pull ups harder than push ups?

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Muscle Mechanics: Why Are Pull-Ups Harder Than Push-Ups?

Pull-ups and push-ups are two of the most iconic exercises in the fitness world. Both are bodyweight exercises that have been around for ages, and both are staples in various workout routines, from military training to CrossFit.

However, there’s an ongoing debate among fitness enthusiasts: why are pull-ups generally considered harder than push-ups? Is it the muscle groups involved, the technique, or something else?

This article aims to delve deep into this topic and provide a comprehensive understanding of why pull-ups are often seen as the more challenging exercise.

Why Are Pull-Ups Harder Than Push-Ups?

Pull-ups are generally considered harder than push-ups primarily due to the muscle groups involved and the weight distribution during the exercise. In a pull-up, you are lifting nearly your entire body weight using a smaller set of upper body muscles, mainly the latissimus dorsi, biceps, and forearms. This places a significant load on these muscles, making the exercise quite challenging. On the other hand, push-ups distribute the body’s weight more evenly across the chest, shoulders, and triceps, and you’re lifting only about 60-70% of your body weight. This more equitable distribution of weight and muscle engagement makes push-ups generally more accessible than pull-ups.

The Historical Context

The origins of pull-ups and push-ups can be traced back to ancient civilizations. Push-ups, for instance, were part of the training regimen for Roman soldiers. Pull-ups have a similar historical significance and were used as a measure of strength and agility in various cultures.

Over time, these exercises have evolved and found their way into modern fitness routines. They are now integral parts of military fitness tests, school physical education classes, and even competitive sports like CrossFit. The popularity of these exercises has led to various adaptations and variations, making them accessible and challenging for people of all fitness levels.

Despite their ubiquity, the debate over which exercise is more challenging continues to intrigue fitness enthusiasts worldwide.

The Anatomy of Pull-Ups and Push-Ups

Understanding the anatomy of pull-ups and push-ups is crucial for grasping why one is generally considered more challenging than the other. Let’s start with pull-ups. This exercise primarily targets the latissimus dorsi (lats), which are the broad muscles on each side of your back.

Secondary muscles involved include the biceps, deltoids, and even some forearm muscles. The exercise requires a significant amount of grip strength, as you have to pull your entire body weight upwards.

Push-ups, on the other hand, primarily target the pectoralis major (chest muscles), triceps, and anterior deltoids (front of the shoulders). While they also engage the core and some back muscles, the load is distributed more evenly across these muscle groups. Moreover, during a push-up, you’re lifting only about 60-70% of your body weight, as the rest is supported by your feet.

The key takeaway here is that pull-ups require you to lift almost your entire body weight using a smaller group of muscles, making them inherently more challenging. Push-ups distribute the load more evenly and involve lifting a smaller percentage of your body weight, making them comparatively easier for most people.

Psychological Barriers in Pull-Ups

Pull-ups are not just physically demanding; they also present a psychological challenge. The idea of lifting your entire body weight can be intimidating, especially for beginners or those who haven’t yet developed strong upper body strength.

This mental barrier often leads to a fear of failure, which can be particularly daunting when you’re at the gym surrounded by people who seem to perform pull-ups effortlessly.

Moreover, the pull-up bar itself can be a psychological deterrent. Unlike push-ups, which require no equipment and can be done almost anywhere, pull-ups require a bar. This adds an extra layer of complexity and intimidation, as you have to find the right grip and positioning before even attempting the exercise.

Overcoming these psychological barriers is often the first step towards mastering pull-ups and understanding why they are considered more challenging than push-ups.

Related: Unlocking the Secrets: Why Do I Feel Deadlifts in My Lower Back?

Weight Distribution in Pull-Ups vs. Push-Ups

One of the most significant factors that contribute to the difficulty level of pull-ups compared to push-ups is weight distribution. In a pull-up, you are essentially lifting almost 100% of your body weight using primarily your upper body muscles.

Your hands grip the bar, and your lats, biceps, and forearms work in unison to pull your body upwards. This places a considerable load on a relatively small group of muscles, making the exercise quite challenging.

In contrast, push-ups distribute the body’s weight more evenly. When you perform a push-up, you’re lifting approximately 60-70% of your body weight. Your feet remain in contact with the ground, providing additional support.

The chest, shoulders, and triceps share the load, making it easier to perform multiple repetitions. This more equitable distribution of weight makes push-ups generally more accessible than pull-ups.

Muscles Engaged

Understanding the specific muscles engaged in pull-ups and push-ups can provide further insight into their relative difficulty. Pull-ups primarily engage the latissimus dorsi, the large muscles that give your back its width.

Secondary muscles include the biceps, brachialis (a muscle that lies underneath the biceps), and various forearm muscles. Even your lower back and core engage to some extent to stabilize your body during the movement.

Push-ups, on the other hand, primarily target the pectoralis major, the large chest muscles. The triceps brachii, responsible for arm extension, are also heavily involved. The deltoids, specifically the anterior (front) deltoid, are engaged as well.

Additionally, push-ups work the serratus anterior, which is crucial for shoulder health, and also engage the core muscles, including the rectus abdominis and the obliques.

Benefits of Each Exercise

Both pull-ups and push-ups offer a range of benefits that extend beyond just muscle building. Let’s start with pull-ups. Functionally, they are excellent for improving your upper body strength, which is useful for various daily activities that involve lifting or pulling.

Hormonally, like many resistance exercises, pull-ups can help increase the release of testosterone and growth hormone, both of which are essential for muscle growth and recovery.

Cardiovascularly, while pull-ups may not be the first exercise that comes to mind for heart health, they do provide some benefits. The effort required to lift your body weight can elevate your heart rate, especially during high-repetition sets, contributing to cardiovascular fitness.

Push-ups offer similar benefits but in different ways. Functionally, they are excellent for building upper body strength, just like pull-ups, but they also engage the core, improving your overall stability and posture.

Hormonally, push-ups can also stimulate the release of muscle-building hormones, although the effect may be less pronounced compared to pull-ups due to the lower weight load.

Cardiovascular benefits are one area where push-ups have a slight edge. Because they engage a broader range of muscles and are generally performed at a faster pace, they offer better cardiovascular exercise. Many people incorporate push-ups into high-intensity interval training (HIIT) routines for this reason.

Versatility and Variations

The versatility of pull-ups and push-ups is evident in the numerous variations available for each exercise, which can either increase or decrease their difficulty level. For pull-ups, variations include the wide-grip, close-grip, and mixed-grip pull-ups.

Each targets different muscle groups and presents its own set of challenges. There are also advanced versions like the muscle-up and the one-arm pull-up for those looking for an extreme challenge.

Push-ups offer even more versatility with their variations. The standard push-up can be modified into diamond push-ups to target the triceps, wide push-ups for the chest, and elevated push-ups to increase the difficulty. There are also more advanced versions like the one-arm push-up and the clap push-up for those seeking a real challenge.

These variations not only add diversity to your workout routine but also allow you to focus on different muscle groups. They can help break the monotony of doing the same exercises repeatedly and can be strategically used to overcome plateaus in your training.

Related: Can You Do Pull-Ups and Lat Pulldowns on the Same Day? A Comprehensive Guide

Does Your Grip Strength Matter?

Grip strength plays a significant role in why pull-ups are harder than push-ups. In pull-ups, a strong grip is essential for holding onto the bar and successfully lifting your entire body weight, making the exercise more challenging for those with weaker grips.

A study by the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research confirms the importance of grip strength in pull-up performance. If you’re looking to improve your grip strength for better pull-up performance, consider investing in specialized equipment like grip strengtheners or enhancing your overall athletic performance with products from Sport CBDs.

Proper Technique and Form

Proper technique is crucial for both pull-ups and push-ups to maximize their benefits and minimize the risk of injury.


  1. Grip: Hold the bar with an overhand grip, hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  2. Position: Start from a dead hang with arms fully extended.
  3. Pull: Engage your lats and pull your body up until your chin is above the bar.
  4. Lower: Slowly lower yourself back to the starting position.


  1. Position: Start in a plank position with hands placed directly under the shoulders.
  2. Lower: Bend your elbows and lower your body towards the ground.
  3. Push: Push through your palms to return to the starting position.
  4. Core: Keep your core engaged throughout the movement to maintain a straight line from head to heels.

Intensifying Your Workout

Once you’ve mastered the basic forms of pull-ups and push-ups, you may want to make the exercises more challenging. For pull-ups, consider using a weight belt to add extra pounds, or try performing the exercise more slowly to increase time under tension. Another option is to use resistance bands for assisted pull-ups, gradually reducing the assistance as you get stronger.

For push-ups, elevating your feet can make the exercise more challenging by increasing the weight load on your upper body. You can also use resistance bands or even wear a weighted vest to add resistance and make the exercise more strenuous.

Weekly Training Recommendations

When incorporating pull-ups and push-ups into your weekly routine, it’s essential to strike a balance between intensity and recovery. For pull-ups, aim for at least three non-consecutive days per week, starting with as many sets as you can comfortably perform. Gradually increase the number of sets and reps as you build strength.

For push-ups, you can safely include them in your routine up to 4-5 times a week due to their lower intensity. Start with multiple sets and aim to increase the total number of reps each week. You can also mix in different variations to target various muscle groups.


Do pull-ups make you stronger than push-ups?

Pull-ups and push-ups target different muscle groups, but pull-ups are generally considered more challenging because you lift nearly your entire body weight. Therefore, mastering pull-ups can indeed make you stronger, particularly in the upper body and back.

How many pushups equal one pull-up?

There’s no straightforward conversion between push-ups and pull-ups as they target different muscles. However, some fitness experts suggest that performing 3-4 push-ups might offer similar muscle engagement to one pull-up, although this can vary from person to person.

Do push-ups make pull-ups easier?

While push-ups primarily target the chest, shoulders, and triceps, they also engage the core and some back muscles. This overall upper body conditioning can make pull-ups slightly easier, but the best way to get better at pull-ups is to practice them specifically.

Are pull-ups the hardest exercise?

Pull-ups are among the more challenging bodyweight exercises, especially for beginners. However, the term “hardest” is subjective and depends on individual fitness levels and the muscle groups being targeted.

Why are pull-ups harder for beginners?

Pull-ups are harder for beginners mainly because they require lifting nearly your entire body weight with your upper body muscles, which may not yet be conditioned for such a task. The psychological aspect of lifting oneself can also be intimidating.

How can I make pull-ups easier?

  1. Assisted Pull-Ups: Use a resistance band for assistance.
  2. Negative Pull-Ups: Focus on the lowering phase of the exercise.
  3. Grip Strength: Work on improving your grip strength with exercises like dead hangs.

Are push-ups good for building muscle?

Yes, push-ups are effective for building muscle in the chest, shoulders, and triceps. They also engage the core, providing a more comprehensive workout. To maximize muscle growth, focus on proper form and gradually increase the number of sets and repetitions.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, both pull-ups and push-ups offer unique benefits and challenges. While pull-ups are generally considered harder due to the muscle groups involved and the weight distribution, push-ups offer their own set of advantages, including versatility and a broader range of targeted muscles.

The key is to incorporate both exercises into your fitness routine for a well-rounded approach to upper body strength and conditioning. By understanding the mechanics, benefits, and variations of each exercise, you can tailor your workout regimen to meet your specific fitness goals. So why choose one when you can excel at both?

Why are pull ups harder than push ups? Have our tips been beneficial to you? We’d love to hear your feedback, so please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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Founder – Sport CBDs

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